Chapter 2: Altitudes

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The car, yet again. I never really minded car drives. They had the potential to be quite soothing to the chaotic mind. But this time around it wasn't soothing. Car drives that last over and hour can be such a drag, especially when the car is jam packed with sweaty teenage siblings who never seem to quiet down.

Being negative has never been something i ever bothered to succumb too. But recently its something that i can't seem to shake from my mind.

"How's it hanging debby downer?" Said someone.

"Not much can hang from here?" You replied.

"You're not wrong." They said.

You glacé away and out the window of the car. You had just finished packing things the all of yesterday, and all of today. You, at this point, were done with the excessive pit stops at Papaq's or Nana's. The only things that they had for you was some of your clothing. You liked your fashion sense, it was a look you liked, but the thing you don't like about the clothes from their houses was that they smelled like them. They have a sort of moldy, 50 year vintage perfume smell, it was gross. There were a lot of things to think about, but before you could start, it looked like you had run out of time. You and your family had arrived at the airport. To Paris; France.

"WHooooo! Paris here we come!" a person said.

"What an idiot." You thought, a small smile threatened to form.

"The only thing in Paris is bread.... and people, annoying people." said another.

"I guess, but Paris is so romantic!" Said the first voice.

"Mhm.." Replied the second.

You had such chaotic siblings. You don't hate them, but you do hate the fact that all they do is be loud, and say embarrassing things.

"Paris is expensive." Said Mama.

"Then why are we going?" You asked.

"What time is it...?" Mama said.

There she was, at it again. Every time you tried to talk to her she wouldn't respond. I has been like this ever since you came out. She doesn't hate you, but she doesn't necessarily agree with it. You don't think much about it, she is entitled her own opinions, and you respect that.

The airport was oddly packed. Why does everyone want to leave on this random Wednesday? Wednesday are rightfully uneventful, and it should stay that way. The last thing anyone needs is something major happening on a Wednesday.

Your family rushed into the waiting area after getting breakfast, coffee, sustenance. It felt like a very long way, but luckily you had a delicious breakfast just waiting to be brutally slaughtered at the hands of you. It sounds more dramatic than it will actually be, its just food.

After many hours, or minutes, or however long it was that you waited for the plane to be ready, it was finally time to enter the plane. As you got onto the plane and into your seat, you began to think about what it would be like in Paris. What would school be like? How would you adjust? Is it even any different from school here? Who knows.

You disliked the sound of people entering the plane, but at least you haven't seen any babies entering the plane. The poor little fetus children probably experience pain because of the altitude.

The flight went on, music played in your ears, it was a good flight.


As all flights do, they end, and people depart.
You don't remember much about getting on and off of the plane, you were tired by then. You just wanted to sleep. That is exactly what you did, you slept, in the car, on the way to your new home.

It was a peaceful slumber.


Excited to reveal the miraculous. It will fit your personal standards perfectly.

Word count: 650


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