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"My friend Karlee is calling the group chat again I wonder what it's about" I thought I pick up the phone and Karlee gives news that I wasn't expecting "GUYS GUESS WHAT SO MY BOSS SAID YOU GUYS CAN COME WORK WITH ME" said Karlee. I didn't even wanna go but she insisted I wasn't really working after I decided not to go to college to be a therapist so I guess I could use this plus I can finally see my friends again other than Jemvictor.

"Why is Karlee calling again Jayci" Jayci explains that Karlee got us a job at her daycare I was surprised but it would be nice to see everyone again.

                             At the daycare
YES THEY ARE SHOWING UP I GET TO SEE THEM AGAIN YAY. It's been a long time since I've seen them and I'm surprised Jayci came early AND WITH JEMVICTOR! "JaycI why did you bring Jemvictor you guys aren't dating?"
I said to her "oh no me and Jemvictor live together because he kinda lost his house so ya" she said while blushing "well then do you know where the rest are?" I asked curious "oh well coal is coming tomorrow and Axel is coming at 5:30"she said while Jemvictor went to get some food

I explained where coal and Axel were but when I was done explaining I looked to my side and Jemvictor was gone "Karlee do you know where Jemvictor went" I asked "oh ya he went to get some food btw we had sushi" she said knowing I love sushi I ran to go get some and while I was walking to go get it I see Axel or I think it's Axel it's hard to see from far away

"AMY WHY IS IT SO FAR AWAY" I asked knowing she doesn't have an answer "idk Axel why is it?" She said while looking around for something or someone "Amy you good what are you looking for" I said making her startled "oh I'm just looking for Jemvictor" she said while blushing?

I keep on blushing when people mentioned Jemvictor or when I mentioned him I need to stop "btw Axel we should go to Karlee before she thinks we are lost" I say looking at him and still looking for Jemvictor "oh yes you are correct also I got a text from Jemvictor he's at the daycare waiting so let's go!" She says I think about who was behind him...

Jayci looks like she saw a ghost but she has ghost in her house so she shouldn't look scared "yo jay you ok you look like you saw a ghost?" I ask while still walking "oh sorry im fine I just saw something or someone behind you but I think I was hallucinating" she said and right as she said that something popped up in front of us and took Jayci!

Welp this isn't the first time I see Axel running to get Karlee and Jemvictor while I'm being taken somewhere the thing talks "hello dear you probably know who I am~" the thing says I recognize that voice MOONDROP! "Moondrop how I thought you were fake how are you real" I say confused "I will explain later but we have a problem sundrop is...broken" he says while looking down "SUNDROP IS BROKEN?!" I say "I failed to keep sun safe" I think

While I was talking to Jemvictor Axel comes bursting through the door saying that JaycI was taken by an 8 foot thing "oh that just moon he's been looking for Jayci for something just when she comes back don't ask why she can't walk" I say while looking down "SHES GETTING FUCKED BY MOONDROP!?" Axel says concerned "no no no she fixing sundrop he kinda got broken" I say while laughing at axels concerned face

"So where is sun" I say while looking at moon in a mommy voice U-U "JAYCI it's no time for the mommy voice we are close ok and you deserve a punishment by both me and sun when you fix him" he says Angerly "ok ok but not if I escape first~" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek

To be continued

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