2 | Flaws with Sewing

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Everything went according to her plan. Ray, Emma, Norman and the others would be able to escape. And they would have more than enough time to do so since Kiyoko got shipped out

This was all going on what Kiyoko had thought of. Yet her plan was no where near done, yet

She wasn't going to let some stupid Demons take her life for granted. No way would she let that happen. But now is not the time for the rest of her plans to unfold as now she was busy trying to sew a white fabric onto a skirt without drawing any blood from her fingers

Kiyoko was a witty girl, yes. But sewing? That is something she dreaded. 

Back at the orphanage or may I say farm, Kiyoko had asked Mama to teach her how to sew due to her ever growing curiosity on why Gilda loved clothes so much

At first Mama disagreed seeing as Kiyoko was only about 7 and could hurt herself- well if Mama where to see her position as a 11 year old with several bandages on her hand from sewing, Mama would have changed her mind

But eventually Mama gave in to Kiyoko's pleads every day to teach her how to sew even if it was just a little, and little did Mama teach Kiyoko

Mama would only teach Kiyoko one sewing pattern, the easiest one in the book. Yet even with Mama's words of encouragement and her tips, Kiyoko never seemed to get it correct even earning a few couple bandages around her fingertips

Soon Kiyoko gave up and kindly declined to go on the next sewing lessons with Mama and instead opted to go under the tree with Ray, who kept on worrying about the ever growing amount of band aids around the top of her fingers, to which Kiyoko would sheepishly shrug it off

Now Kiyoko missed those times. Yet she had no time to mourn as she was trying to not get the fabric all bloody again

Its the middle of the night, she was the only one awake with a candle lit beside of her side table, her blanket draped over her shoulders as she patiently yet quickly tried to sew the last pieces of fabric on the skirt she had made for the testing

It has been a few months since she was moved to the MTF, or Mama's Training Facility. And for the past few Months she had been doing well according to Grandma's point of view

Kiyoko had passed all her test with flying colors, she was doing well in hand to hand combat due to her quick yet clever movements, cooking was like second nature for her, taking care of the baby's was practically built into her system, but even with all of that she still needed to past the sewing part of the test and sharpen a few of her other skills

And right mow Kiyoko was having a hard time trying to perfect the sewing part of the test. She didn't understand how others could sew so easily but her, and it was starting to rub off on her face that she wasn't good enough

Slowly poor Kiyoko lost hope of passing this test that was suppose to be presented tomorrow, wasn't even done yet.

Still with a few sparks of hope left she pushed through her own thoughts that where drowning her whole, and continued to sew the fabrics together, creating ruffles and even pockets in hopes this would make hers stand out even if it was just a bit

As the light from her candle flickered from her shaky breath, she pushed through the feeling of drowsiness and continued to stab the fabric with her needle not caring if the pointy end of the needle hurt other or not anymore

A bit of blood was better than a whole flower sucking the blood out from your veins

With that in thought after a few minutes of fighting sleep she finally finished her skirt and looked at her master piece

Was it perfect? No, absolutely not. But was it wearable? Yes it was. It might not be good enough for Grandma, but it was more than good enough for Kiyoko

She then smiled for the first time in a long time. Memories flooded into her mind as she stared at the piece of fabric that she had made with so much thoughts in her head

She sighed and her smile faded away. Usually she hated losing even if she didn't show it that much, but she'd make an exception for sleep

She blew the fire from the candle as a bit of smoke traveled around the room with other girls in training sleeping peacefully

Kiyoko quietly laid down at her bed her thin blanket not helping a lot from the cold yet with Kiyoko's tiredness it didn't mind her that much

As she laid down, she allowed herself to relax as she huddled up in a ball, wrapping her arms around herself unconsciously to give herself a bit of warmth

She let her eye lids meet each other as darkness and sleep greeted her with open arms, comforting her in the time of loneliness

She slept peacefully, the skirt she made tucked under her bed inside of her nearly empty suit case she had bought with her during her shipment or adoption

She could rest tonight and let stress over come her tomorrow at grading.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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