Price of victory

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We ran out to the hangar bay to find lots of men shooting droids.

"Commander Havoc how can we help?" Me and my team asked

"You three go help commander Colt you to go help Echo and Fives at the high peak." He yelled

"yes sir!" We yelled

Me and Longshot headed out grabbed two blasters and we ran to the peaks we found Echo and Fives just as droid came up behind them as 99 ran out.

"Watch out!" Longshot said as I drew and shot two but more came.

They sucked out the way and shot.

"Fall back!" Echo yelled. we ran and kept shooting when we got inside Echo smashed the controls locking the door.

"What are you three doing here? you guys should get to safety!" Fives yelled.

"We are just as much of clones as you are." Longshot said

"Yeah but then again you're also a pair of maintenance clones." Fives got in his face

"Guys just relax we clone cadets coming." Echo said

I ignored all off them and walked over to the cadets.

"Hey brothers you should be in the barracks." I said crouching to eye level

"We got lost from our group." said one of the kids

"Follow me I know the shortest way to the barracks." 99 said

We started running shooting droids once a turn at least when we got there.

Then we saw a orange and another blue troop.

"Sir" echo said everyone got to attention but I was walking forward so when he said it I tripped and fell on my face I hurried to attention.

"At ease." said the orange one

"Hey kid you should always be ready at a time in need." said the Orange one but the blue one put a hand on his shoulder.

"Sirs what are you doing here?" Said Echo

"This is personal for clones." the blue one said

"Cody brief them they will be here any minute you to come with me we need weapons." said the blue one

He started walking out me and Longshot following.

As we got to the armory the clone handed Longshot 3 rifles and a bag of grenades "take that to Commander Cody." He said as he left

"What are you doing here!" He wiped around and yelled

"Hey sir sorry but I don't know who you are and what you mean but-" before I finished he took his helmet off

"Rex!" I yelled hugging him "I haven't seen you since you left for this war." I said

"Once again what are you doing here!" He yelled

"After you left my mom had been put into slavery Rex she told me to hide so I did then a couple weeks later a guy named Alpha or something came and said its time to go." I said

"Ordo? That's not good." he shook his head "we need to get back we will settle this later. We need to get back cmon." he ordered grabbing grenades.

As we got back the cadets got in the beds and hid Echo Fives Rex and Cody got behind the door and when it opened they shot droids falling back me and Longshot also hiding in the beds.

"Cadets now!" Rex yelled on the comes when they opened we shot but more poured in "Longshot shoot towards the door!" I yelled pointing we began shooting again

"Last one make it count!" Rex yelled

"It's okay I'll get more." 99 yelled

"No!" Rex said

I turned around and saw 99 get shot in the leg.

"99 get done in cover!" I yelled

I jumped off the bed and started spraying hitting every droid in sight but I finally got shot in the thigh and I fell

"CT-5539!" I heard Longshot yell

"99 no!" I heard another yelled

"This is our home!" I yelled as I blacked out.

.............................3 hours later..........

I woke up in a cold sweat.

I looked around and I saw Rex standing next to me and a clone sitting down like he was asleep

"What happened?" I asked

"You saved us." Rex said putting a hand on my shoulder

"How I just blacked out." I said

"There's more to it but right now just rest you got a big day tomorrow." he said grinning

"What do you mean?"

"You graduate along with your friends." he said

"What!" I yelled making the clone wake up as Rex walked out he seemed uneasy

"Hey man you're up." He said walking over "you good?"

"Uh yeah all fine... who are you?" I asked the guy did a little laugh

"Bro check me out." he said backing up and standing at attention I just laughed

He walked back over and took his helmet off.

"Hardhead!" I yelled

"Yeahhh check me out man." He posed again

"Idiot." I said

"Hey get some rest we are walking the Jedi-cruiser tomorrow and before that you need to be fitted along with Keeli." he said

"Wait whose that?" I asked

"You'll find out tomorrow bud." he said turning the light off.

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