helping out a friend

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"My cousin is coming to woodsboro again" said Jill sitting in the bed with her phone "really? That's great" you said going back to reading your horror book "it is not great all everyone talks about is her I can't go a day where someone doesn't mention Sidney" said Jill with an annoyed tone

"I don't see why it bothers you so much she's your cousin and she went though a lot" you said putting your book down "are you seriously going to defend her?" Said Jill grabbing your book from you "no I'm not I just don't see what's the big deal Jill" you said with a sigh

"The big deal is that she's so fucking special" said Jill getting up "well-" you said but got cut off "what if we become the next ghostface" said Jill turning to you "I'm sorry?" You said taking your book back "I'm saying let's kill her" said Jill as she looks at you with a smile

"You... You want to kill your own cousin?" You said in a surprised tone "yes and your going to help me right?" Said Jill "Jill..." You said but got cut off again this was getting really ridiculous and you really weren't sure if she was serious or not

Jill would sometimes say something then say she was joking while laughing at your face for believing her "I'm serious I'm so sick of her getting attention I want attention too it's my time to get some fame" said Jill as she grabs her phone "if your not going to help me then find I'll get someone else to do it" said Jill as she gets up and starts to walk away

"Okay! Okay fine I'll help you kill your cousin" you said standing up as Jill smiles and gets closer to you while she wraps her hands around your neck and pulls you in you lean in closer to her face about to kiss her but she plus away from you she was such a tease

"Thanks but we do need someone as a backup plan to be ghostface as well but we need some imbecile to think they are helping us and working with us and when the time is right we kill them" said Jill "so we betray the other person?" You said confused "exactly" said Jill turning to you

"Okay who?" You said "Charlie" said Jill "well if you say so" you said with a yawn Jill wouldn't betray you mostly because you guys were friends since you were five years old her mom and your mom were such good friends sadly your mom ended up dying when you were ten leaving you alone with your dad who was always in business trips

He changed a lot when she died he would drop you off at Jill's house and leave for another business trip so you hardly saw him anyways there were days where he would come and pick you up and take you out to eat to places you didn't like at all and get you gifts you didn't want or ask for

But when you got older and older he paid attention to you less and less sure he still visted you but whenever he came to pick you up Jill would always say that you weren't home even though you were so when he left you and Jill would go out and eat and get whatever you guys wanted

You wouldn't say you saw her as a sister because you ended up catching feelings for her but just didn't tell her although you had a feeling she knew because she would always tease you but she would never take it that far

"Come on" said Jill grabbing your hand "where are we going?" You said letting Jill take you wherever she was going "were going to grab our ghostface outfits I already have a voice changer then after that we are going to Charlie" said Jill as you guys left the front door "where's your mom?" You said walking besides her

"Shopping your staying the night right?" Said Jill putting her phone on her pocket you guys went inside this Halloween store where they had everything well almost everything "the Ghostface outfit should be around here somewhere" said Jill looking at the outside

"There right here" you said standing in front of them "perfect we will take them" said Jill taking three ghostface outfits and taking them over to the cashier "how do you know Charlie would agree?" You said standing right next to her "I know she will" said she as the cashier finished

"Here I got it" you said pulling out your wallet as Jill smiles at you "thanks" she said "it's no problem" you said giving the money to the cashier as you guys left the store "okay let's put these at the house and call over Charlie" said Jill as you nodded "so um how are things with trevor?" You said

"He dumbed me" said Jill looking at you "I'm sorry I didn't know" you said looking down soon you guys reached the house and got inside "I'm going to call Charlie" said Jill as you nod and walked to the kitchen to make some food after a while of waiting for him he finally shows up

"What's up?" He said getting inside the house "we have to talk to you" you said pulling him inside the room and close the door "talk about what?" He said said sitting on the bed "well-" you said but got cut off my Jill as she starts explaining everything to him and you just say back and watched

"Okay I'm in" said Charlie as you looked at him surprised "really? Just like that?" You said "I have nothing better to do so why not" said Charlie standing up "good here" said Jill giving him his ghostface outfit "and here" she said giving him the voice changer

"You are going to do the first to prove you are serious about this" said Jill standing next to you "alright fine" said Charlie holding his outfit and the voice changer as you took a bite of your sandwich "good now you should get going Jill's mom should be home any minute" you said as Charlie nods and leaves

"Did you make me a sandwich?" Said Jill "of course it's in the kitchen" you said taking another bite of your sandwich "that's too far away" she said taking your sandwich from your hands and took a bite of it while smirking at you as you playfully roll your eyes at her and sat back on the bed

Jill x fem reader 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙚 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now