💔The ballad of love~ (Yan! Clover x Reader

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-Requested by Anon

It was a boring day for you, there wasn't anything fun to do in the growing kingdom, you could do some help around but that's too boring, you were wandering around the kingdom with no clear direction when you wandered outside and ended up in the entrance of the nearby forest.

You were staring into the woods thinking if you want to enter or not, deciding that a little exploring would cure your boredom you enter the forest, it was calming since all you heard was birds chirping and some wild cookiemals, you were walking around for a while when you heard... Music?

You walked closer to the origin of the music when you see in a clearing, a cookie wearing a brightly lit summer glade covered with clovers, playing a grass woven lute to some cookiemals gathered around them, you were mesmerized at how well they played the lute and you were staring for quite some time.

When you looked at the cookie they were staring back at you, it was awkward for a while before they waved their hand at you gesturing you to walk to them, you thought about it for a while and deciding that it's probably ok, you walk to the cookie who greet's you with a smile once you were Infront of them.

"Hello, did you enjoy my song? You were staring for quite a while."

"Oh- uh yeah I did enjoy your song, you played it beautifully " you said a bit nervously

"My name's Y/N by the way, what's yours?"

"Oh my apologies, my name's Clover what are you doing out here in the forest?" He inquired "It is quite dangerous this deep into the forest"

"Oh, I was just taking a walk around since I was bored, and I thought that exploring the forest would be fun" You say to answer his question

"Say since your here, do you want to listen to some of my song's?" They ask while strumming their lute

"Oh- sure, I would like to listen to your songs"

You listened to their songs and had some back and forth, Clovers questions have been getting more and more personal, but you didn't notice or acknowledge but by the time Clover finishes his last song, you both notice that the sun is starting to set.

"Oh the sun is setting, I didn't notice that until now..." Clover said after he finishes his last song.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" You say to Clover

"Well I travel all around, so I don't have a permanent place to stay" Clover says as he packs up his belongings

"Well their are some houses that the kingdom I live in that aren't used yet, you could stay in one of them for the time being" You say making him think for a while

"Hm ok, lead the way Y/N" You both make your way to the forest, before eventually reaching the exit seeing a kingdom. When you both reach the entrance of the kingdom, you head back home since Clover tells you he can do the rest on his own.

It's been a couple weeks and you were surprised that Clover decided to stay, his music has made the tiny kingdom more lively.

Your house was on a hill quite far from the other houses so it was mostly quite throughout the day, but now since Clover has lived in the kingdom he has been visiting your house every afternoon talking to you and singing a song while sitting on a tree stump next to your house.

You didn't mind since his song were good and he was good company, but he has been getting a bit more "physical" he would always be too close for comfort, and would hold your hand tighter when you were talking to someone for example.

It has been three months since Clover moved in the kingdom and he was only getting more worse and you finally decided to end this "friendship" since you didn't want to be treated like this.

There was a knock at your door at the usual time he would arrive, when you open it you see Clover with a smile.

"Hey Y/N! Want to go to the market with me? Before you could speak he tried to grab your hand, but you moved it away.

He looks back confused "Uh.. Y/N?"

"I don't want to go Clover, I don't want to go anywhere right now"

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"Yes you have! You would always be hold my hand tight which hurts, and everytime I tell you to let go you wouldn't listen, you would always be too close for comfort and anytime I would want some space you would ignore me, and that's just two of the many reasons"

"Y/N I didn't mean too, I could make things better"

"I don't think there's anything you could do, to make things better, I would like to be left alone right now." Before he could speak you close the door and lock it, looking through the peep hole you could see Clover standing their shocked, he just stood their for a moment before walking off slowly.

You were finally alone, you took the rest of the day to but some groceries avoiding Clover everytime you would see him, and doing other house work, and it was already dark out when you finished.

After you finished eating your meal, you wash the dishes before doing your nighttime routine, finish brushing your teeth, wear your pajamas, and go to sleep.

After you had went to sleep, you had woken up to a noise downstairs, thinking it was just your mind you try to go back to sleep before another noise was hear downstairs, you stand up from your bed and head downstairs slowly holding a broom for protection.

When you arrive downstairs nothing looked out of place, but you noticed that the window in the kitchen was open, you swear you closed it before you went to bed, you close the window after thinking it was nothing.

After heading upstairs you hear a noise in your bedroom, you cautiously enter the room holding out your broom, you look around your bedroom not seeing anything out of place, when you finish looking around your room and thought it was just your head messing with you.

But before you could head back to bed you were grabbed from the back, and before you could scream a cloth was put on your face muffling your scream, before you could scream again you hear a familiar voice

"Hush now love, just go to sleep..." You hear Clover, but before you could say anything you start to feel sleepy and before you eventually pass out.

The end?......

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