The shuttle cork

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It was an amazing day. Cold breezes..chirps of the bird...leaves shedding from the trees...the smell of the fresh air..and much more. Amy was listening to kpop as usual..Nancy was staring at the space as she was a psycho...and Chris was reading about the history like he was insane(which he was) It was a wonderful day for them..until....they realised that they had homework...due tommorow, good thing that it was still day time, but it was actually a group work.....they all gathered up at Amy's.

Amy- ok guys..get ready.....IM READY FOR LOVE ALALLALAL

Amy goes insane as always...vibin to blackpink,

Nancy:gosh! Please! For Jisoo's sake!

Chris- agh! These idiots....I'm just gonna listen to history related podcasts......

Amy- okay, okay, let's just focus ...okay? Hey*snaps* hey chris!

Chris- hmmmm..ah wh- what? I was busy listening to Britain's rule in India!

Nancy- wow! The space is beautiful!

They all are lost in their own world.....after a while..everyone and everything goes back to normal..Amy listening to her fav kpop songs and studying...Nancy looking at the space pictures in front of herself for *motivation*
And Chris listening to podcasts....everything was going great....they FINNALY finished their work and decided to take a short break..well..its a LONG break for THEM OFCOURSE! They decided to play badminton at the most dangerous place....~~Their neighbor's house~~ well obviously in the front of the house....not the inside...duh

Amy- Alrightyy I'm passing! * she passed the shuttlecock to Nancy*

Nancy- Wow that was a good shot here! ~~she passes back to Amy~~


Chris-guyssss let me play pleaseeuhh! Please! Wai- wait! I'm the oldest right! Hey you! Let me play!! *he said In a so called angry tone*

Nancy- ugh! Fine! Here!*she passes her racquet to him*

Chris- oookayy what's so hard in this huh? * he tried to pass it to Amy but failed*

Amy-pfffttt yeah right! What's so hard?

Chris- ye- it was the wind okay?

They played badminton for a while. Then a strong wind came and flew the shuttlecock inside Amy's neighbour's house...they were all scared...but they decided to take the biggest risk of all time...dramatic music starts playing... to go to their neighbor's house...they somehow managed to sneak inside their neighbor's house


Amy- guys! We made it! be quite!...we have to see where the shuttlecock is..

Chris- uhh..why did we even decided to play badminton....innfront of your neighbor's house!and we all are in trouble and how do we even get out of he-

Nancy- shut! Okay guys soo MAYBE I just found our shuttlecock...see over there..infront of the window there? Yeah...

Amy- oh wow! You have eagles eyes Nancy! Anyways soo who's gonna go there? Chris?

Chris- wh- me! Whyy me? Huh? How about you?

Amy- huh? I'm litterely the youngest here okay! You are the oldest! You have to go there not me!

Nancy-well...chris has a point are the youngest...she will surely forgive you as you are...well...the youngest...

Chris- oh! For God's sake! Finnaly you idio- ....I-I-I- mean YOU finnaly you understood that I have a point....

Amy- hmmm..okie..I'm gonna take the risk and go goes nothing!

Amy took the risk and goes near the window and slowly took the Shuttlecock and goes to her friends while tiptoeing.

Chris-wow! Okay soo the dame is sleeping

Nancy- I'm sorry but...what is dame?

Chris- SHOULD really learn french...its LADY..okay?

Amy- guys comeon! She is sleeping...we have a good chance of escaping

They slowly got near and nearer to the door...they tried to open the door as quietly as they could..but it still made a huge creak. They slowly got out of there....but...Nancy's shoes actually had some mud on them soo yeah...well...good ending for th ANC but...bad ending for the neighbor......

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