Chapter 1: After the War

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                                                   (Bucky's POV)

He looked out of his palace window and saw the battlefield before him covered in blood, smoke, and dead bodies laced across the broken and torn land. He closed the curtains and turned around, adjusting his crown as he walked towards his desk to answer some more messages from other kingdoms. He sat at his desk and opened the letter from his own personal poet or the only one he has. He opened it and his eyes widened as he read the letter. It said, "Dear King Bucky, I am hiding in one of the enemy side's broken tanks. I don't have much time left since I can hear some of their soldiers nearby trying to find any survivors in the area. I have to make this message quick so, try to find another poet to replace me and remember what I've told you, one day you may find the one for you. And you know what "the one" means, right? If you don't know, it means you will find the one that makes you blush and makes you happy. I've noticed a lot, even during the war, you were always down in the dumps so, be patient and wait for the person that will finally make you happy. Do it for me. They found me so, see on the other side and it was a pleasure to be your royal poet. -Augustus Clifford, Former Royal Poet for the Noxus Kingdom." A tear rolled down Bucky's face as he finished reading the note. He then spoke with a mixture of sobs hinted in his voice, "Dang it, Augustus. You and your kind words get me every time. I hope you are in heaven where you belong." He then started to sob with his head on his desk. 

Suddenly, he heard the door open and two soldiers that were in one of the squadrons up north stood before him, panting and out of breath. They quickly bowed and waited to hear the order to speak. "Hart, Whitlock, why have you returned so soon? I have gotten radio reports from the first lieutenant that the Bukedora army was making their way northwest." Once they gotten finished calming themselves down, Cadet Hart spoke, "We have brought some tragic news from the North. We thought that all of them were just fighting in the east region but to our suprise, one of their platoons ambushed us and sadly...Whitlock, I can't tell him. Can you break the bad news?" He nodded his head in agreement and told Bucky, "Sergeant Major Abbott was killed in the ambush." Bucky looked down in disbelief. First his royal poet and now the sergeant major. His best soldier! He then slammed his fist onto the desk, causing both Whitlock and Hart to jump in fear. He looked them dead in the eyes and told them, "Tell Second Lieutenant Marsh to order every last soldier fighting or on that battlefield to retreat back to the kingdom and we are going to put the whole kingdom on lockdown until we get the cost is clear that they have went back to their territory. Now GO!" They then saluted in terror and said, "Yes sir!" And they ran out of the room, quickly closing the door behind them.

Once the door was closed and made sure that no one was near his room, he leaned back in his chair, stressed out of his mind as he tried to think of how to recruit a new sergeant major and a new royal poet. He cared for both of them with all of his heart and it pained him to replace them. It would also be a challange to find one with constant enemies, like the Bukedora Empire, always on his doorstep. Whenever he thought there was nothing he could do, an idea suddenly appeared into his head. 'Maybe, I can send messages about this situation to the other kingdoms and hopefully, I will get some news back that they found a poet and a perfect soldier for me. Maybe even find some romance on the way." He thought. He wasted no time and quickly got to work on writing letters to all of his ally kingdoms and most of his messenger birds, which were white cardinals, and ordered them to fly to their main location, which they obeyed and each flew in the direction of their ordered location. He then sat at his desk and thought to himself, 'Hopefully, I can find a lover like you said, Augustus. Someone that makes me happy.'

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