The Ex jagër

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(Alright before we begin the chapter there is going to be a short bio explaining this character's origins and what he can do.)

(Everyone meet Dhaes with his blade Dawn of ruin.)


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(Now for his Origin) (He was originally from the republic however he was taken from the republic by the Reinford company for a new experiment

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(Now for his Origin) (He was originally from the republic however he was taken from the republic by the Reinford company for a new experiment. they wanted to make a new breed of soldiers for the empire by putting a force orbmement in when the subjects are a child the experiment was a success but it was too much of a success. They couldn't contain Dhaes anymore. He had grown too strong for them to control. With this being the case they shut the project down but before they could kill Dhaes to destroy the main piece of evidence he butchered the lab and anyone in it leaving it as a pile of flaming rubble. The famous Rmp heard the explosions and went to look and they found nothing but rubble and fire with appendages sticking out of the rubble however every time they saw one hoping to dig up a person they only found the appendage. Nothing else until they found a room with a record player and one single record on it. Curiosity got the better of them and they began to play it. Instead of music they were greeted with a terrified voice.)

???: T-this I-is d-doctor Mitch Cornell this will be my final log. I fear what I have created I should have never listened to her. I should've never done this he's coming for me I know it. It killed everybody Sara, Micheal, everybody. I'm the only one left. If you hear this and see subject 13 run. Run as far as you can and even then don't stop for he likes the game of cat and mouse. Subject 13 took the sword we had made from a pure space element. Subject 13 is extremely dangerous and extremely unstable. As I said before run as far as you can and keep running. Never confront Subject 1-

Dr: It's here *heavy breathing* *squelching noise and blood gurgling*

A deep and husky voice came on the recording clear as day.

???: I've enjoyed the chase doctor but it's time for our little game to end. May you burn for what you have done demon.

???: Hmmm who ever listens to this recording let it be known they were the real monsters.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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