Chapter 2- A Little Bit of Wrestling

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"Merry Christmas."

"Emma, you didn't have to!" Kate exclaims as she examines the wooden bow and arrows that I gave her.

"Sorry they aren't wrapped or anything." I glare at my little sister, "Lila didn't give me much time."

"Hey!"Lila backs away as I advance, head turned slightly, a devilish smile on my face, "I didn't know what you were going to do."

The smile only grows wider as I spring and manage to put Lila in a headlock, "Got you sis."

Lila taps out right before Cooper tries to jump on me, almost knocking over the Christmas tree.

"Kids!" My mother scolds, "Bring your energy outside."

Lila, Cooper, Kate, and I walk out, leaving Nathaniel inside playing with his toys. Kate goes to sit on the picnic bench nearby while I crouch, ready to face off Cooper and Lila. Cooper jumps on my back while Lila goes for my legs.

"Kate! A little help here?" I shout as the three of us go tumbling to the ground. My siblings attach to me like koalas as we roll around. 

Kate laughs, "It seems like you've got this." She walks over to were I'm attempting to get Cooper off my back.

"Cooper retreat!" Lila runs to a tree with Cooper quickly following.

"They are definitely making a plan."I brush off the dirt, "I need backup and a plan."

"How about," Kate smirks, a multitude of plans forming in her mind, "We jump from tree to tree and drop on them. Then we'll have the advantage of surprise."

"Oh..."I rub the back of my neck then glance up long enough to see Cooper and Lila conversing, "I was thinking more along the lines of I distract them and you attack."

"Yours works, they would probably hear us jumping from tree to tree." Kate nodes and moves too where the siblings can't see her.

I run in front of the two, "Bet you can't catch me!" I taunt then dive deeper into the tree line.

"Cooper go!" Lila pushes her brother after me and spins in a slow circle, expecting something, someone.

Kate comes up behind her and whispers something in the younger girls ear. Lila's eyes light up and she takes a deep breath, preparing to yell, "Conner help! Kates got me!"

A crashing is heard as Cooper runs out of the woods me on his tail. 

Kate gives Lila a wink and weakens her grip on the girl. "Charge!!" They yell and Kate comes rushing towards me.

Caught by surprise I let Kate tackle me to the ground. Giving her a grin I swiftly flip the two of you over. Pinning Kates arm to the ground I let out a low chuckle, "You fought with Hawkeye?"
Kates cheeks have a light blush on them. "Hey! Get off." She try's to push me off but you don't budge.

"I won't let go until you tap out." Some loose strands of hair fall into my face.

"I will never tap out." Kate grits out between clenched teeth, "Never."

Yelling directs my attention from Kate to my siblings. They were rolling on the ground, dirt flying everywhere. This split second distraction allows Kate to throw me off her. Once she's free Kate sprints into the trees. Rolling my eyes I follow after her. Training with my dad helped me spot the tracks that she left in her wake. The broken branches, her foot prints in the muddy parts of the trail. I follow her to a clearing before I loose her trail. But not giving up, I tilt your head to listen to the wild life. "Found you." I murmur and quietly walk over to the tree that Kate's taken shelter in.

Kate drops onto my shoulders, making me release a grunt with the unexpected weight. She wraps her legs under my arms, "Got you."

"You sure?" I grab her legs and run deeper into the woods, toward a place only I know. My safe place, beside the mini library in my 'room'. I take a breather and suddenly spin around, causing Kate to topple off my shoulders.

"I was unprepared." Kate scrambles to her feet, putting her hands and feet in a standard fighting stance.

"Sure you were." I smile and copy her stance, only to stand back up. "How do you fight in this many layers?" I shrug off your jacket and top shirt, leaving me in a tank-top. Then I shift back to your fighting pose.

Kates gaze lingers on me before she takes off my flannel, "Ready?"

I move towards the raven haired girl and throw a few lazy punches. She blocks quickly and advances, attempting to sweep my leg. Jumping, I kick her unprotected side causing Kate to fall into the pile of crunchy leaves. Laughing I fall on the leaves right next to Kate, who's holding her side in pain.

"Did I hurt you that bad?" I pull Kate to her feet.

"No." She wheezes.

"Oh, come on princess." I step closer to her.

"No." Kate reply's stubbornly, "You just have a nasty kick."

"Sure," I muse, "Or you're just weak."

"Am not." Kate pushes my helping arm off her shoulder and promptly falls down. She gets back up with a scowl on her face, "Let's go back, they probably don't know were we are."

"Well, I know exactly were we are. This is my space. We're I come to get away from everything, the world, school, Conner and Lila." I laugh along with Kate at the last words I said.

"Lets go Emma." Kate rolls her eyes before walking to one of the many edges of the clearing.

"Lead the way, princess." A cocky smile forms on my face as I follow the clueless girl into the woods. "Oh, and Kate," I call out to her and point in the opposite direction, "Home is that way."

Kate lets out a low growl and trudges the other way.

My 'Straight' Shot(Kate Bishop x OC)Where stories live. Discover now