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A Zulu musician is interested in a Xhosa feminine man.

Xhobani Isange Nobangela

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Xhobani Isange Nobangela

Xhobani Isange Nobangela

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Isisa Lusizo Zikhali

Umthombo was a bar for black people in Orlando. It had even been featured in Drum magazine for being rich in culture. People came from every township to enjoy themselves. Some came to mingle with the other gender, some for fashion and alcohol. But most came for the music. The band played every genre of music dear to black people. From Thursday to Saturday they'd play jams to make them jive. Sundays were for lover and they would play the slow jams to reignite the romance. Even though Monday to Wednesday the band didn't perform people still came. The bar had another attraction, which was very attractive bartenders and waitresses. The bartender that was most swooned over was young Lusizo. They called him Caesar, he got the most tips and got all the girls even though he barely spoke.

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