Part 1: Clovers perspective.

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He had his arrow aimed at the mans back, a perfect shot despite the crowded ballroom. Taking a deep breath, he pulled the bow string taut and prepared to let the arrow fly. His target turned around suddenly and looked directly at him, finding him in the eaves as if knowing he was there all along. The man winked. He turned back around and disappeared into the crowd, all Clover could see was strong, pale hands flipping him off.

"Fuck," Clover muttered, his soft voice quieter than usual. He began pushing through the crowd desperately, his espresso coloured skin causing several stares while he took the arrow out of the wooden bow. All he could see of the target was his coat-tail flying through the crowd, his grey eyes casting a random gleam into his soul.

"Darius!" He yelled, running after him. A blast of fresh air reached him the second he stepped out, causing his pistachio green eyes to water.

"D- Darius! Get the fuck back here-!" The tall, pale man didn't slow down, showing no signs of exhaustion. Clover kept running after him, soon catching up. He slipped, falling down and causing the two to roll down a hill. Brown leaves stuck out of his strangely long white hair, and he finally stood up, brushing the dirt off of his oversized clothes and rushing over to where Darius was laying. A ruby dagger pressed to his neck, cold, bandaged hands gripping the leather hilt.

"Tch... Calm down." Darius' voice was slightly deeper than his own, causing slight jealousy to pang in his heart. He didn't respond, just pressing the knife in deeper. Blood dripped onto his fingers, though not enough to hurt him severely.

"This looks gay as fuck..." The deep voice murmured. Turning red, Clover stood up, stepping away from him.

"W- what- d- don't say that shit!"

Darius stood up after him, smirking. "Aw, is someone embarrassed?"

"No! Why would anyone be embarrassed when they're talking to someone like you?!"

"Oh a lot of people, trust me honey."

Clover suddenly had a disgusted look on his face, the blush fading away. "So basically you're a slut... Got it, thanks for the information."

"Okay, being hot and being a slut are two entirely different things."

"Please. Have you ever met an ugly slut?"

"Thank you darling! You called me a slut so I'll take that as a compliment."

"Really? You take that as a compliment? Your life must be shitty."

"I have a random short guy trying to kill me, of course my life is shitty."

"Good point. Wait, short?! I'm 5'7! That's average!" Clover protested, his hands curled into fists defiantly.

The taller man rested his arm on Clovers' head, putting all of his weight on him. He moved out from underneath Darius' arm, causing him to fall over.

"Who's the short one now?!"

He groaned. "Still you."

"Oh come on! You're the one who's beneath me right now!" He put his foot on Darius' chest for emphasis.

"That's a bit kinky, don't you think?"

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up for once!"

"Mmh, no, I don't think I will." He smirked, grabbing Clovers bare foot and pulling it out from beneath him.

Falling over, he heard a grunt come from beneath him, and his chocolate coloured skin turned bright red. Despite his embarrassment, he didn't move.

"Okay I get that I'm hot but could you at least wait until we're not in public to fucking fall for me?"

"I fell on you, not for you."

"Same diff'."

"No, it's really not, go suck a fucking dick."

"Stand up and I just might."

"You really just keep proving how much of a slut you are."

"I'd rather be experienced than be a virgin."

Clover laughed. It was a light, empty noise, matching his soft voice. He finally got up off of Darius, and remembered why he was there. His gaze fell to the knife that he'd unknowingly dropped onto the grass. Movement flashed in the corner of his eye, he whipped his head to face it and saw Darius standing up, gripping the dagger that had been on the ground less than a minute ago. Before he had time to register what was happening, he felt the metal piercing into his neck. He could feel warm breath on his neck, adrenaline rushed through his blood, though he knew he had to stay still.

"Who sent you after me?" He said, his voice low and laced with hostility.

"I can't tell you that," Clover replied, surprising himself with how calm he sounded. Pain stabbed into his neck and he could feel warm, thick blood slowly dripping down his neck. Crying out, he heard Darius' voice again.

"Aw, was that a moan I heard?" He said, his voice still had a dangerous edge to it but it sounded somewhat seductive. "What's worse, telling me and having nobody find out or losing your life?"

"She'll find out. She always finds out."

Rolling his light grey eyes, he moved the knife off of him, hitting the side of Clovers head using the hilt of the dagger. Going limp, he could feel Darius catching him in his arms, before everything went black.

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