Part 3: Clover's Perspective

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He smirked. "You should be focused on my hands, not on my beautiful eyes."


Not leaving enough time to react, he slipped one of his legs out of the ropes, cracking his neck while launching his foot at Darius' face. The motion caused the chair to topple backwards onto the cold concrete floor. Groaning, he felt a hand latch onto his ankle and drag him across the floor. Feeling the blood slipping down into his sock, he allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. Soon, however, he was snapped back to reality as a heavy force pinned him to the ground, he could feel a hand next to his head. Thick droplets of blood fell onto his face, however he ignored it and found himself staring into lamp-like yet somewhat dull grey eyes. They were filled with rage, but he felt drawn to them, wanting to know what secrets lied behind them. Instinct took over, and Clover finally started to feel the pain burning into his shoulder. Nails dug into his skin, and he sighed, pushing his body up with all of his strength. However, the pain remained, those mysterious eyes still so close to him.

"If that's all you've got, then I'm surprised you're still alive at this point."

Something sharp stabbed into his stomach, the cotton bandages powerless against the new wound. He gasped, a tear slipping down his cheek. Memories flashed inside his mind, trauma that he had forgotten about starting to arise.

"Aw, you poor baby. Does it really hurt that much?" (Lmao yes.) A playful smile creeped towards his reddish-pink lips. Tension hung in the air, but the moment of silence was quickly replaced by a punch to the side of the head. Clover's face lacked any emotion that a so-called "normal" person would have, the tears refusing to stop.

"Is this it?" He whispered to Darius. "Is this the way that you're gonna fucking kill me? By beating me the fuck up in your basement?" He chuckled softly, a sad smile on his face. Watching as his opponent hesitated, he pushed up again and managed to knock the larger man off of him. (By larger I mean like, taller and stronger, I'm not body-shaming him I swear.) Getting on top (sus), he curled his hand into a fist and started repeatedly hitting Darius. Blood covered his gloves, but he continued to punch until his knuckles started to hurt. Once his breathing started to return to normal, he could hear the soft whimpers below him, and he froze.

"Well that's, uh, a first for me" He muttered, standing up. *Was this really what he'd done? Despite being a murderer, he'd never thought of himself as a bad person...*

Hands shaking, he stared down at the fresh blood splattered all over his clothes. Above him, the dim lights started to flicker. Looking up, he completely zoned off, ignoring the heavy breathing coming from that man lying on the concrete floor. Pain stabbed into his ankle for the second time that night, he rolled his eyes and tensed his muscles while being dragged down onto the ground. He drew in a sharp breath as he hit the floor. Suddenly, he couldn't breathe, a firm grip around his neck. Stars danced behind his eyes, he could feel Darius' knee digging into his stomach, likely in an attempt to prevent any air from staying in his lungs.

"You're going to fucking regret that" He whispered in Clovers' ear, his normally soft voice extremely harsh. The last thing Clover could feel was warm breath that smelled like coffee tickling his neck, before the world faded around him. Again. 

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