Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay so second story. And trust me I'll try my best to update both. I honestly don't have a life so it shouldn't be a problem. Now let's get this story started!

"When will she wake up?" I heard him yell.

"Only time can tell" replied the doctor. I heard a fist heavily fall on the table beside me.

"What so you're saying she may never wake up again?!" He screamed at the man. All the man did was sigh and speak softly.

"I can't provide much information but it's her choice if she wants to live or not."

"Can't I help her decide?"

"How do you expect to do that?" There was silence until he spoke again.

"I'll put myself in the same condition she's in."

No. Why can't you hear me? Don't you realize I'm right here. See? Nothing's wrong. Why won't you listen? I need you. Just listen to me.

"Just because the patient is in a coma doesn't mean you can't just tell her. Most patients are still able to hear and think."

Coma. That's what happened. I can't allow you to do that to yourself. Please don't talk like that. Do the right thing. Not hurt the wrong person. It's my fault. It's my fault you may die. It's my fault I put you in this situation.

It's my fault.

I hear footsteps coming closer and feel the warmth radiate off of him.

"I love you Marrisa. Don't ever forget that."

I love you too.

Unknown lover's POV:

If I didn't emerge into a coma, I'd never get get her back. I can't love without her. She's my love. My sunshine. I hate it when we part. And this is the only way to reconnect properly.

Screw up once, mess up everything.

I storm out of the hospital room with the doctor's constant shouts telling me to stop and think. To value life.

What life?

She is my life.

Okay. How am I going to do this? Get into a car crash maybe? No? Ugh. I want to be close to the exact condition Marrisa is in.

Oh I know! I'll drive to where she crashed and do the same.

I get into my car and drive closer to the exact spot she was hit.

It was now or never.

I drove with great speed and felt the car being pushed over. Glass started to cut my sides. Blood spewing everywhere. It all turned black. I was out cold.

"Beep beep beep"

Where am I?
I woke up and saw Marrisa's body next to me.

I tried to scream Marrisa!

But the words wouldn't come out.

What's happening?

I get up and walk a few inches from the bed. I turn around seeing my dying corpse laying there.

My heart skips a beat.

"What are you doing here?" I turned around towards the voice.

"Marrisa. How are you here? You're in a coma." She sighed stepping closer.

"I still am in a coma. But now so are you." I smiled at the thought but she looked at me confused.

"Why are you smiling? You seriously don't think this is a good thing do you?!"she yelled.

"It's exactly what I wanted". She turned her head to the side in disbelief.

"Here. Sit down. Let me tell you what happened."

A/N: Woo! Finished the first chapter. Vote comment share. Hope you liked.

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