Authors Note

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Hey! Well, If your reading this (I highly doubt it) Tell me what you think so far, sorry the chapters are so short, theres a reason for that though, as the story goes the chapters with get longer believe me. Please just keep up with me, I think that i have crappy writing skillzz cx lol. But this is for you guys! (Not like anyones gunna read it pffffffffffffffffffffttttt) Im just making this just in case someone actually finds my story entertaining enough to keep on reading :D yeey X3 Welp I love you invisible reads so much ; - ;

Btw: If by any chance someone is actually reading this tell me what you think and if you find any mistakes! I will edit it ASAP c:

-Stay Creepy-

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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