💮💞Chapter 2💞💮

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Ello to all! This is chapter 2 ok "Figure X Player/Reader | 💞💮His quiet love 💞" Hope you enjoy!!

Last chapter ;

But boy were you wrong! You saw that he was in front of you and closed your eyes waiting for death, why now? Why when i was so close to the end? After all the pain from hide, Ambush, Rush, Seek, and Jack. You opened your eyes to see the monster bent down in front of you patting your head. He wiped the tears off that you didn't feel. You pulled out your.....

2nd pov;

You pull out you crucifix and use it, you listen and watch him screaming and lay your head back. 

"The hell was that for?!" you heard, you shot your head up, terrified. Would he kill you now,  you wondered. You started shaking and he walked away. "just lower you voice.. next time.." He said walking away. You were lonely again. It was quiet once again you could hear the silent echoes,   the faint knocking, and... SHIMMERING!

You jump up and quietly run to the book you heard. it was X;5. you walk back to the desk and pick up a paper "triangle, X/5, pentagon, square, anddd diamond." you whisper to yourself

                             ...You walk around listening for books...

So far the code is '7,5,1,3,?' You sigh as you hear another shimmer and you grabbed it and backed up, you felt something tall against your back and then hear a loud "THUMP"

You're heart skips a beat. and you hear his foots quickly stomp towards you. you run into a locker again and play the game. But you fail he grabs you out the locker and you push him away. Making the problem, worse.

You tumble onto him and he is holding your back onto him. you sit up causing you to make the position even worse! you jump up and look at the book 'Diamond;0' you run to the door and put the '7,5, and the 1 in. 

Before you can finish putting the '3' in he grabs your arm and pulls you back and turn all the numbers back to zero, and it looks like he changed the code. You tear up and see a flicker. You attempt to look for a locker but fail when you get thrown over somethings shoulder.

"hey put me down, he'll get us!" you scream kicking your feat. He puts his hand over your mouth, but you refuse to stay quiet and bite him. "The fuck?!" he screams out grabbing your neck. Then you hear....

This is the end of chapter 2 hope u enjoyed

Figure X Player/Reader   |     💞💮His quiet love 💞💮Where stories live. Discover now