Fateful encounter

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The lake of hylia.. At this time.. Spring time it is the nicest place in Hyrule. Or that is how it seems. You live in a small cabin. Surrounded by calm. And a pretty flower garden. Your days look pretty much the same. Everyday the same thing. Wake up. Prepare breakfast. Eat breakfast. Go outside to gather materials. Lunch time. Go on a walk. Dinner. And at evening you admire the glowing flowers that surround your cabin. Blue flowers. Near the lake you grow a red flower. It is said, that the petals or the juice inside said petals can cure any illness. If you just could be able to extract the juice.. But the flower still needs to spread ot's petals. It is just a blossom. Even though you seem to be alone with the flowers. You are not. For some weird reason you can communicate with Farodra. The dragon that lives around the lake. He is something like your best friend. But this special talent draws unwanted attention onto you.

You sit at the edge of the lake. Watching over your magical flower. You softly stroke it petals. They are slowly opening. Very slowly. Maybe 2 or 3 weeks more and you can start working on the medicine. A screech echoes through the night. Sudden water poured down. Farodra floats above you. It was his help to water your flower. You chuckled.
"Thank you!"
You yell up to Farodra. Farodra gives a happy purr and slowly dives into the lake. You watch him as he does so. Each time he looks more and more majestic. As he was fully gone, you stand up and turns towards your cabin. You recognize that some of your other flowers are destroyed. Someone just walked over them without caring.
"Is.. Is someone there?.."
You ask and approach your cabin. Your breath is flat. You know that when anything would happen, Farodra would save you. He always did. Like that one time as you got attacked by a Hinox. Farodra sent lightning down and shocked the monster to death. Not to mention the Lynel. You gulp as you enter your cabin. It looks like no one is there. But.. The first thing you recognize is your ring. Your grandma gifted it to you. It was made out of silver with an amethyst. And it wasn't where you left it. You hear Farodra screech again. It sounded like a scream of agony. Immediately you hurry outside again.

A man stands at the lake.
"You have an incredible ability."
He said. His voice sounded soft. He spoke slow and rather calm. Farodra floats in a crazy speed through the air. You look at him.
Farodra was covered in what they call Ganon's wrath. Except for Farodra's own eyes several other, yellow blackish eyes stare you down. You didn't pay attention anymore. But suddenly the man stands in front of you.
"This is a.. pretty ring.."
He takes your hand and put the ring on your finger. Then he gives you a kiss on this hand. You are tempted to pull your hand back but his grip was too tight.
"Who.. are you?"
You ask carefully. His golden eyes stare at you. They.. stare you down. He surely was taller than you. But you could see the weird glance in his eyes.
"Astor.. And... I was searching for.. a princess.."
"A princess? What about Zelda.. or Mipha?"
You are not a princess. So, what exactly was his deal now? Ever since he put the ring on your finger you had a strange feeling flowing through your body. Not sure, what it was. Or why it was there. But the whole man is strange. But also what happened to your kind Farodra? Ever since he was covered in that goo, he let it rain lightning down at the lake. Astor looks down. He sees the flower. The flower you grew up carefully.
"They are not what I look for, princess. I want you!"
He gives a chuckle. A lightning bolt struck in between you both. You run back into your cabin and lock all doors and windows. Astor just sighs.
"Eventually, it all comes together. Princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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