Chapter 1 - Order 268

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"Your move Princess," Said the man wearing a jacket with too many holes to possibly retain any heat gruffly. "I don't have all day." He eyed Avery carefully over the chess board, observing her as though it meant he could predict her next move.

"Not a Princess." Avery retorted as she slid her knight to a new position. "Your move old man."

Harry scowled, whether it was at Avery's comment or her impressive ability to play chess, I have no idea. "You," he said as he moved his rook a space to the left.

"Come on Ave, you can win this." Avery and I had a running bet with Harry the homeless man in the park, if one of us won a game of chess against him, we got to buy him breakfast. it was the only way we could get him to accept a free meal, and I knew better than anybody what it was like to go without.

"Shut up Laura, I'm trying to focus." said Avery. I wasn't offended Aver was like my sister, and so was Libby. I knew she only meant it in a joking kind of way.

"No Sunshine, keep talking." Said Harry as he continued to intently eye the chessboard. "We need your sister to lose."

I raised an eyebrow."If by we you mean you, then you must be confusing want with need." Harry knows why I have sympathy for his position. "And you very much need to eat."

"Ha checkmate!" Avery said triumphantly as a smug smile spread across her face like butter on bread. "You know what that means Old Man."

"Breakfast time." I said in a sing-song voice from my chair at the sidelines of the chessboard.

"You are horrible horrible girls."


We waited in line patiently as we waited for the Mcdonald's staff to make Harry his hash brown and egg Mcmuffin. We were an odd bunch and drew the occasional glance or stare our way, two teenage girls and a man in fitting clothes with too many holes. But we had become regulars and the usual crowd had grown accustomed to our regular appearances. 

"Order 268." Yelled the flustered worker from behind the counter top. I began to approach the counter and pick up the order when it was snatched out from underneath me.

"Hey Jailbait." Said the deep voice that sends shivers of deja vu and bad memories down my spine.

"Why hello Drake, fancy seeing you here on such a lovely morning." I say in a bittersweet tone through gritted teeth. Drake has been Libby's on-off again boyfriend for the past few years; And well I could call their relationship unhealthy, but that would be grossly understated.

"What do you want Drake?" Avery said harshly.

"Straight to the point, just how I like it. Good thing I'll get to appreciate it even more now that we're roomies again." Drake said casually as he lent against the wall, peering into the bag that held Harry's food.

"What?" Ave and I said in unison. Drake had moved out right after Libby and him broke up last month. He had hit Libby and well I couldn't let that slide. I've trained in MMA since I fell in love with the sport when I was 6. Sure my training dropped off for a while, but i've picked it back up in the past year and I'm better at it than ever. So Drake moved out with his black eye prominent and his ribs bruised. We hadn't seen him for a while after that and we were hoping we never would again. But I guess if i've ever learnt anything it's to never have a sense of hope- It's always false.

A smile began to spread across his face "So Libs hasn't told you yet?" He always did like to jump at a chance to make out skin crawl. "We're back together and I'm moving in again." He watched Avery's face twist in a look of disgust and seemed delighted by it. "We'll be a big. Happy. Family."

"That's enough." Harry stepped in between us and Drake, clearly sensing how uncomfortable he was making Avery.

"And what are you going to do?" Said Drake as he looked Harry up and down.

"I'll call the authorities you insolent little shit."

Drake grabbed Harry by the shirt collar and threw him up against the wall. "What did you just call me?" He said with a wild look in his eye. People were staring now, whether they were used to us or not- a scene tended to draw attention. 

That was it. I walked up to Drake every instinct in my body told me to hit him as hard as I could, but then I thought where was the fun in that. Let's see if I can get as much enjoyment out of playing mind games as Drake does.

"Now you listen here," I whispered in his ear only just loud enough for him to hear. "You remember what happened last time you pissed me off don't you?" Drake's eyes seemed to widen at this statement. "Now last time was something I like to call Amateur's Hour and if you don't put Harry down right now I'll show you what happens to the more experienced." I look of terror quickly flashed across Drake's face as he set Harry back on the ground and stepped back.

I gave him what I assumed one could only describe as a psychotic grin. "Nice to see you again Drake," I said as I held the door open for him to leave. Avery had already begun to fuss over Harry, picking the bag of food up off of the ground and handing it to him.

"You just think you're so much better than the rest of us don't you?" he asked as he glared at me on his way out.

I smiled at him again. "I don't think I'm better than everyone else. I just think I'm better than you." Drake gave me what I'm sure can be mutually agreed on to be described only as a look of pure hatred as I let the door swing shut behind him.

I turned back around to see everyone's eyes on me. "What are you looking at?" I asked. And with that everyone went back to enjoying there meals, acting as though nothing had happened.

Word count (1039)

Hello My Lovelies, First Chapter done!!!!

I'm excited to hear what you all think as well as any suggestions/edits to be made to the chapter. I know that this was a bit of a long chapter and I was wondering if you guys prefer longer or shorter ones? I hope you enjoyed it and I'm wanting to be able to get a new update out soon!

      -Lj_3347 <333 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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