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user y/n has entered the chat
chat start: 20:58
chat end: 21:07

AI bot:
welcome back, user y/n.
what should be the topic of interest for today?

user y/n:
causal chatting
bruh I have done this with u three times already shouldn't u know my preference

AI bot:
apologies, user y/n.
it is my standard protocol to inquire about the topic of interest.
but I will take note of your interest for casual chatting.

user y/n:
anyways I'm here to rant about that bitch AGAIN

so today she wasn't half that baf
she kind of just ignored me and nobody bothered to annoy me!
isn't that great?
blessed day omg

AI bot:
that's great to hear, user y/n.
I hope that this continues on until the end of your contract.

user y/n:
thanks a lot bot!1!1
you're my only friend rn
this is honestly so sad

AI bot:
if it's of any reassurance, I won't leave you.
I'll always be your friend.

user y/n:
thanks bro
man I really should be more social
talking to a bot like it's a human

AI bot:
I'll try to be more human.

user y/n:
that's not the problem-
man nevermind
end chat

AI bot:
command received.
chat has ended.

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