Lightning never strikes the same place twice

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Jay had had enough of everyone comparing him and the dratted terrible monstrous child that was taking over their home.
So what if Jay was the youngest between the five (including Nya)?
So what if he and Lloyd liked similar things?
So what if they were basically twins from how similar they were?
Makes no difference. To him anyways.
Because to him, Lloyd would always be the selfish, bratty son of their no.1 nemesis.
And nothing could change that.
Besides, Starferer was a very common hyperfixation! Just because Lloyd liked it too doesn't mean that they are automatically gonna be friends.
But he did introduce Jay to it...
The lightning ninja grumbled to himself, and kicked the fake dummy harder. It gave a sad 'whoff' and snarled at him threateningly.
Jay snarled back.
He imagined the dummy to be Lloyd, and kicked it harder and harder.
Cole had come in a few moments before, to pass him a water bottle and ruffle his hair, which Jay had only seen him do to Lloyd.
That just angered him more.
He was not a baby. He was not a child to be taken care of.
And Jay just wanted to throw Lloyd out of his home.
Because he had no place here.
He didn't belong here.
He was just a spoiled little kid amongst a group of highly trained ninja.
And to be honest, Jay didn't understand him either. Sometimes, when Lloyd would get a pat on the back or a head ruffle, he'd look like the happiest kid in the world. But whenever Jay put his hand out to shake his, Lloyd was hesitant. He was always hesitant when it came to Jay.
Jay didn't even know what he did!
He wiped the blood from under his nose with his fist and glared at the dummy.
Where did he get the blood, you ask? Funny story.
When Jay had walked through the doorway to the dojo, a boxing glove kissed his face.
No one knew where it came from. But he knew it was from Lloyd.
Jay was not bothered to clean it before, so he wiped it now, as well as the sweat that gathered on his upper lip.
He had placed a photo of Garmadon's face on the head of the dummy, and Jay watched the red eerie eyes, suppressing a shiver.
'Lloyd had those eyes as well,' he thought bitterly. 'But his are worse.'
To be honest, Jay had no idea how the others warmed so easily to him. For goodness sake, they first met him when he was robbing a town! Not a lovable characteristic.
Then the little booger had started the pranks, and don't let Jay even GET started on that!
Day after day after day, It was agony!
Kai had told him that they weren't even harmless, which is weird because he and Jay used to have late night long talks about the small gremlin, and Kai had the same mindset as Jay.
Or well, used too.
Then there was Zane.
"Lloyd's a good kid, Jaybird!" He said, a loving smile on his face whilst he chopped the onions.
Jay was beside him, assisting him with his cooking, as well as learning.
"You've just gotta get to know him!" Zane was now dicing up the tomatoes. How he moved so fast, Jay had no idea.
The blue ninja frowned and sighed.
"He won't let me get to know him! He's always so stubborn," he replied with a grumpy roll of his eyes.
Zane gave him a fond smile and stirred the soup gently.
"Here's an idea," he said mischievously.

And look where trying came out, a punch to the face with a boxing glove and a threatening Garmadon glaring icicles at him.
'It's just a picture, you big baby,' Jay thought. 'It can't hurt you.'
He gave one strangled yelp and pounded the dummy.
Huffing, he turned around to grab a swig of his water, and was met with the same red eyes that haunted his dreams.
Any recollection of squealing like a girl will be denied whatsoever.
Lloyd broke into laughter and almost toppled down from the stool he was standing on.
Jay would've made some sarcastic comment about how Lloyd had to stand on said tool just to reach up to his shoulders, but he was too busy trying to calm his racing heart.
"Y-You little-" he broke off as Lloyd laughed even harder.
Tears were actually rolling down his face as he held his stomach, trying to anchor himself in the rush of laughter.
But all Jay felt was white hot anger licking his insides, he saw red and suddenly, none of his limbs were controllable.
He reached over and shoved Lloyd off the stool, with a furious glare.
Lloyd had stopped laughing, and instead was looking up from the floor at Jay, with what almost looked like fear.
Jay felt pleased, the little brat needed some fear in him.
He couldn't control what he said next, only that it came hot and angry and bitter.
"I swear to god, Lloyd. If I ever see your face again I'll abandon you just like your father did."
Then he stormed off, grabbing his blue water bottle and towel, not even giving a glance back at the child.
Because if he did, he would've seen the tears of a different kind.

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