Chapter 6~ Lies or Trust

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I was walking around the castle trying not to be seen by the little D's.

They are very busy with work, can't relate.

As I was walking around, I spotted a HUGE golden door in front, Blair flap her wings excitingly (is that even a word?)

As I was about to turn around Blair stopped me by flying in front of my face.

Blair~ Where do you think your going? WE'RE GOING INSIDE THAT!

YN~ Blair, what if diavolo is in there.

Suddenly Blair stopped talking as she looked behind me.

Blair~ uh.. Maybe 0 chances because...

Diavolo laughed behind me, I froze in my spot not knowing what to do.

Diavolo~ I am actually not in that room, I am behind you!

I turned around quickly while walking back.

As I was walking back, I bump into something or SOMEONE.

I look up to see barbatos looking down on me while having a calm smile.

'Uh oh that isn't good' I thought to myself as Blair looked at me.

'Yeah you should run' Blair said in my mind as I looked at her confused and shock.

I nodded while looking for a distraction.

'I won't know if I won't try.. ' I thought.

YN~ Oh! A beautiful golden butterfly behind diavolo!

Diavolo looks behind him, as barbatos only closes his eyes smiling.

I made a run for it as Blair followed behind.

YN~ Blair! How are we supposed to get out?!

Blair~ I don't know? I've been to many places all by myself!

Y/N groan in annoyance as they continued running.


Author pov-

Diavolo and barbatos was just standing there looking at them running.

Diavolo giggles.

Diavolo~ there's so cute running away from us, don't you think so? Barbatos.

Barbatos nodded.

Barbatos~ I agree, my Lord, I believe we should catch them?

Diavolo~ no, let them run for a minute more.


Diavolo~ okay, go get them barbatos.

Barbatos~ right away, my Lord.

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