chapter three: goodnights

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Dom and Brian were walking back to the house  after Johnny Tran blew Brian's car up. Annalise was roaming the streets, trying to see if she could spot them as she never saw Brian ever again after they parted ways a few hours ago. 

She just turned the corner as she spotted them, "hey, how are you lads doing?" Annalise teased, "hey Lils." Dom said as he got in the passengers seat and Brian hopped in the backseat. 

"what happened?" Annalise asked as she glanced at Brian through the mirror. "Johnny Tran happened" Dom answered, "is he still mad about his sister?" Annalise teased, "shut up." Brian laughed. 

They soon arrived at the house and as Annalise and Dom were walking in, they invited Brian in for a beer who gladly accepted.

Dom took a look around as everyone else noticed he had arrived, "hey brother we were just about to come looking for you." Leon defended as Dom death stared him.

"hey, you good?" Letty asked Annalise, "yeah, you?" she said as Letty nodded. Annalise waked into the kitchen to get an ice water as Dom yelled at everyone. When she walked back into the living room she noticed Brian standing there alone. "you look like a lost puppy." Annalise commented, "very funny" he joked back, Annalise punched his shoulder as he laughed. "okay i'm sorry." he said, Annalise took a step back, "you know, I don't really appreciate the bullying.." Brian said as he held his shoulder pretending to be hurt. Annalise laughed and was about to say something until Mia's voice stopped her. "there you two are!" she said as she pulled Brian in for a tight hug. They quickly pecked each others lips and Annalise couldn't help but feel a little jealous. She quickly turned away and went to sit by Leon as she saw Brian and Mia head to the kitchen and Dom and Letty head upstairs. "what's up, Annie?" Leon asked her, she shrugged, "you feel lonely?" Leon questioned, she shook her head 'no'. Leon sighed as he sat up, he pulled her up with him, when he sat back down he pulled her to sit her on his lap. She snuggled into his chest as she took in her surroundings. This was a usual thing, Annalise would often feel lonely and whenever she did, Leon was always there to help her. 

The two did date when Leon first came to the group, but they broke it off because it felt forced. They ended on good terms and stayed close friends. That's one thing Dom never understood. But what would confuse Dom even more, is if he found out that Leon and Annalise would screw around here and there whenever they didn't have anyone else. It never got further than that though as the two promised each other to never fall in love. It was a rule they lived by. Annalise was focused on Leon's heartbeat as she fiddled with her fingers, what she didn't realize was that Brian's eyes were glued to her. 

He didn't know her or the team that well, so some things did confuse the hell out of him like why Annalise and Leon would be so close. But he tried his best to hide his jealousy but somehow, Mia saw right through him. "what's wrong, Brian?" Mia asked her boyfriend as she noticed him staring somewhere. "is Leon and Lily... you know..." Brian asked, "dating? oh no, god no. they did date but they broke it off and I guess they stayed close but their definitely not dating. Their just super close. Why? is it bothering you that Annie is sitting on him?" Mia explained and asked, "no not at all, I was just curious." Brian lied, Mia luckily bought the lie and decided to drag him to the couch to where Annalise and Leon were sitting. "HEY GUYS" Mia said excitedly, "hey" Leon said, as Annalise waved. Brian smiled at how adorable she was. The two sat down, and everyone started talking. "Lisa!!" Vince called out, "yeah?" Annalise lifted her head, "did you finish the oreos?" Vince questioned, Annalise nodded softly. "DOM!! WE NEED OREOS!" Vince yelled, "go get them yourself vince" Mia said which she wasn't angry, she was reasonable. which seemed odd to Annalise, Mia was always getting annoyed with Vince, but she'll let it go.

Annalise stood up and immediately started feeling dizzy, Brian noticed and stood up quickly to steady her. "woah you okay?" he asked her concerned, everyone turned their attention to the two once Brian asked if she was okay, Letty ran over to check on Annalise, she nodded as she said "yeah i think i just stood up too fast." Once Annalise was feeling normal she went to her car to go get her phone, "hey, you alright?" Mia asked as she followed Annalise outside. "yeah i told you, i just stood up too fast." "great well, i wanted to talk to you.." Mia drifted off, "what's up?" "i want you to stay away from Brian." Annalise stopped dead in her tracks. Did Mia somehow find out? Did Brian say anything? What was going on? Annalise couldn't figure it out. "It's not you, but like i just i don't want any girls to be all over him and i know how you are with your boy friends but i don't want you to be like that with Brian." Mia explained, Annalise was about to open her mouth to say something to Mia but she was cut off by Dom, "everything alright here?" "yeah we were just talking." Mia said as she went back inside. Dom could see the confusion in Annalise's eyes, but he chose not to say anything to her as he knew better than to ask Annalise if she's okay.

Annalise walked back into the house, she didn't know why Mia would say that to her like that, it's not like Annalise was planning on stealing Brian back. But Annalise knew better than to go against Mia's word, so she stayed away. Annalise felt extremely tired, after all, it was three in the morning. "goodnight baby" Annalise said to Letty as she kissed her cheek, "already? damn well goodnight Lils, i love you" Letty said as she blew a kiss to Annalise, "i love you." Annalise said back. She hugged Leon and Jesse and told them goodnight as she did the same with Dom. Annalise was never the type to leave anyone out but this time she chose to ignore not just Brian, but Mia too. Mia was about to kiss Annalise's cheek but Annalise just walked past her. Everyone noticed and saw the confusion in Mia's face. The tension was so thick, anyone could cut through it. Brian, who had no idea about what was going on, called out for Annalise before she closed her door. "goodnight Lily!" he screamed, Mia immediately turned her head to him, she decided to let this one go since Annalise didn't respond. Brian didn't wanna admit it but, he was kinda hurt that she ignored him like that. Did something happen? He wondered.

Cassy's note:

1228 words

damn so Annalise just ignored Brian 😭 Hectic, am i right?

next chapter will contain hell of a lot of drama so brace yourselves!!

love you guys, see ya in the next chapter :)

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