Regrets of a Murder

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Springtrap's P.O.V

I slump down against the wall, the bloody wrench still on my hands. The purple glow coming from my eyes starts to die down, until the room is completely dark again. I rest my hand on my head, a massive headache pounding at my animatronic skull.

"You..." I mutter. "...We didn't agree to that... I didn't give you permission to take over..."

'I đid whát ýøu knëw yoù çould.'

"Shut up! I told you, that part of me is gone and I'm not going back!"

'Ī đon'ť néeđ yoůr pérmïs§ioń. I ďø whaţ Í płea§è, whéthėŕ ýoų apprøvə oŕ not.'

I shake my head, hoping to get that god-awful voice out of my head. I sit in silence for a bit, until I hear police sirens in the distance. Heading this way.

"Shit..." I mutter. I get up and drop the wrench before going out of the dark room. I like my head out of the doorway into the main area where I see a young girl, no older than 21, crying over the phone with someone. Next to her is the body of that kid I...

"Oh no..."

'Ťhe løok on hər fące-'


I look back to the girl, Still crying over the body. I feel my heart ache. This girl must be the kid's girlfriend, or family member. I start to flashback to six years ago, back at the first Freddy's pizza. It was a night like this one. I was sitting in the backroom when I heard someone rushing over to the back alleyway through the walls. And when I looked outside, I saw...


My heart shattered seeing him cry for the first time, and seeing this girl cry over the other kid brings back that same feeling. My mind then drifts to my first victims. Charlie, Susie,Gabriel and Jeremy, Fritz, Cassidy... I hold my hand to my chest, a feeling of regret and sadness starting to wash over me. I let out a groan.

"What have I done...?"

'Øh enoùģh wīth thə sæppy bůlł§hit, hę's fīne. Ýou cań sťøp fəelīng sørry.'

"You're telling me to stop feeling sorry?"

I shake my head again. "Just get the fuck out of my head..."

After a few minutes of silence, I let out a sigh, realizing that the voice is finally gone. At this point, the sun's already starting to rise and the police sirens are right outside. I hide in the shadows of the room, making sure that I can't be seen. I wait for a while, hearing footsteps going back and forth, into every room, voices shouting over each other. After half an hour, the sound of an ambulance sounds, speeding away from the puzzaria. I let out a breath and poke my head through the doorway again.

The coast is clear.

I get up and sprint to the nightguard's office, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. I try to write something on the piece of paper, though it's really difficult with my animatronic fingers. Finally, after about two minutes, I told up the paper and quietly make my way back to the main area, where I see the girl talking to one of the cops. She's not crying anymore, but her face is obviously stained with tears. I feel my heart sink again and let out a sigh.

"I made a promise to myself six years ago. A promise to Drake..."

'I promise Drake, I'll keep myself under controll. And as long as I live, I won't ever kill another human soul...'

"...and I'm gonna keep it."


Hello again everybody, I'm back! And boy, was this chapter long overdue. Jesus  Christ, I miss writing stuff for Springlocked. And now, I finally know what to write for the next few chapters. Thanks to @teytey_black for the chapter reccomendation. It really helped to get the creative juices flowing for this chapter. Though I feel I could've written it better, I'm happy with how it came out, especially considering the fact that I haven't written anything for this in a while.

I also really liked adding the promise Springtrap made to himself in the previous book, which you can go find for yourself. It brings back memories of when this book firat came out and how much people enjoyed it. Anyway, that's it from me, hope you enjoyed reading. I'll see you in the next chapter.


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