
436 13 2

thought of this at like 4:00 am

if my writing style changes, don't try to mind it because I feel like people can't follow what's going on

also if there's any spelling mistakes, the cold made my fingers type so slow I probably didn't even notice my spelling

give this a thumbs up if I should make a request page then i'll give you a cookie 😇🤝


" M/N .. please just stand up straight, out of all days out just had to get drunk when I have to study ?!? "

Satan was busy carrying a very drunk M/N to his own room, with the human himself struggling to keep himself up. It was one of his friends birthday, and he got invited but as always couldn't hold his alcohol.

" Hey,.. you's got a preetty faace...~ ", M/N barely spit out some of his last words before officially slumping on top of Satan, leaving the demon with a heavier load to carry.

Satan wasn't used to receiving compliments about his appearance, so this made him flustered, greatly. With all of his force, he dropped the drunken human onto his bed and for once not minding the smell of booze everywhere.

" What am I going to do with you.. I have an exam in a few days and this is my only unbusy day to study..."

M/N rolled around in his sleep, not comfortable in his sweaty clothes, along with the unusual warm temperature in Satan's room. He fumbled around with the sheets before sitting up, scaring Satan out of his train of thought.

" I don't think humans can sober up that fast... M/N are you alright?.."

The demon slowly made his way towards the human, not sure if it's even safe to approach him while he's in this state. But he deemed it alright because, what's the worst that can happen?

Satan slowly tapped him on the shoulder with the human still in a daze, before snapping his neck to face the gorgeous demon and bringing him down on the bed.

"M-M/N? Are you alright?.. Oh goodness you reel..."

M/N could see Satan plug his nose, a bit disgusted by his smell. Of course, he couldn't stand for his beautiful boyfriend to be uncomfortable by him.

So he did something any ssne person would do

Bring him to the shower as well.

M/N picks Satan up in one swift motion, throwing him over his shoulder and walking - stumbling - towards his bathroom, along with Satan screaming frantically to out him down after he almost gave both of them a concussion.

"M/N, for the love of -AH-... Cheezits, put me down..."

His protests only fell on deaf ears as the human arrived and set his feet on the bathroom floor, seeing him down and quickly getting in the shower. One thing about M/N is that even while drunk, he knows how to take care of himself. ( some of you guys can't relate huh? )

But another thing is that he's actually quite stupid, to say the least, because he got in with clothes and everything. Even socks, which in Satan's mind was just abysmal to him.

"Atleast take off your clothes M/N... We can't have you showering like... That..."

Satan quickly turned off the water and took his human boyfriend's clothes off, before turning the water back on and letting him be.


After a couple 20 minutes, Satan could sense  M/N coming out of the shower, but naked.

"M/N, put some clothes on or else I'm not cuddling you to sleep."

When Satan said that, the human almost leaped to the dresser and gets changed, not even bothering to put on boxers. His shirt was inside out, and his shorts were too but Satan just accepted it at this point.

M/N then practically tackled Satan to the bed before tucking themselves in, letting the demon be the big spoon as always. He hugged and pressed his face against Satan's chest before quickly falling asleep.

"At least you won't complain about not having to sleep like the other times I guess... Good riddance..."

He quickly turned off the light and cuddled into his boyfriend's arms too.

And with that, they both fell asleep in each other's arms.


ngl, I forgot how I even write

or how to write atp

def going to make a part 2 of this

happy christmas to those who celebrate it, and if you don't, happy holidays to what you celebrate


I had an essay due but we thugging it out 😇

Word Count ; 772 (sry it's short ☹️)

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