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Death in the family is often sad. Brandy Cattle has become the heir to her and Chilli's grandfather's assets as she was the only child of the family without any family of her own. Sure, other members of the Cattle family got a sum of money and other possessions old man Cattle may have promised before passing. After a long funeral proceeding and having to explain death to the little ones, inheritance was all sorted out and now Brandy found herself unfortunately quite a bit wealthier than before.

In attempts to cheer up herself and her sister, Brandy invited Chilli and her family to come and stay with her a few days while she would have the house appraised. As much as they wanted to keep it, such a big manor was simply not easy to keep up. Especially when the property had already been in disarray for quite some time. But no one would really know until they arrived...

Bandit, Chilli's Husband, was opposed from the beginning. Sure, it was probably interesting and full of history. But big old scary houses just weren't his thing. Chilli was indifferent. Of course, still a bit grief-stricken from the passing of her father. The girls, Bingo and Bluey were still a bit too young to fully understand. In combination to never really meeting Grandpa Cattle meant it was thankfully quite non impactful to them. They too, were slightly unsure about the idea of staying the night at such a spooky place.

Through much talking and many "please" requests, the Heelers were on their way to see the big, decrepit place.

"I still don't get why we have to be dragged along."

Said Bandit, half paying attention to whatever was going on in the car as he was driving.

"Muuum, I don't want to go!"

Bingo exclaimed, more scared than Bluey. As it usually was with this kind of thing. The pup was restless in her seat.

Bluey wasn't interested in conversation. She was mesmerized by the many large houses in this part of the country. Some well-kept and grand estates, others dilapidated and well-aged heaps of rubble from falling into disrepair. Though she could not shake the feeling that something was going to make her a lot more fearful.

"We're doing it because we're being nice, Bandit."

Chilli said, not hiding her distaste for the family's reluctance to come along with her to this sort of thing.

The road was long, and many many times did the family tablet die while trying to keep the kids entertained. But they would eventually make their way to Cattle Manor.


The car stops at the end of the long, stone paved driveway of the big house. The only other car was that of Brandy, who'd already been there for quite some time before. Walking the grounds, remembering all the interesting things that had happened there. All of the fun, terrible, or just odd memories that she and her sister would collectively share together. Bandit and the kids being left without that, instead only seeing a big creepy house. Sure, Bandit wasn't too scared, but for a four and seven year old? Much was left to the imagination. And their young minds didn't imagine anything too wholesome happening.

"I-uh, I'm glad you guys could make it."

Brandy said sheepishly.

"'S'no trouble mate."

Bandit replied. Grabbing the luggage from the trunk of their car. Letting Bingo and Bluey run free for the moment. Surely, they'd know not to end up doing anything to get them hurt. That'd just make this abysmal trip worse.

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