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"Who is that? Your new worker?" Kim asked, while pointing outside, where Porchay was sitting.

"Yes. Why? Interested?"

"Nothing. Just asking. How come i've never seen him before? He's new here?"

"Look at what time you came here, Kimhan. You only came after i closed the cafe. Luckily my house is just next door. If you're not my friend, i'll just kick you out."

Kim just looked at Time. Time then served an americano and croissant, just like what Kim always orders.

"Stop looking at the bus stop. Porchay isn't there anymore" Time said, smiling at Kim.

"I just looked outside. There are so many stars on the sky. Beautiful."

"Yes, Khun Kim. I know Porchay is pretty. Many alphas come to my cafe, even trying to have sex with him. And, he's cute too. I used to hope that he was my omega, before i was with Tay."

"I didn't mention Porchay. What shit are you talking about?"

"I know you Kimhan. We have been friends for a long time."

Kim just looked annoyed at Time. How could Time know what Kim was thinking?

After a few hours at the Valley Cafe, Kim finally came home. If not chased away by Time, Kim will probably be there until the sun goes down again tomorrow.

"Tem, i want you to find out about Porchay. Find all data and information about him. Parents, friends, life history. Everything! Don't leave a single piece of information about him."

"Alright, Khun Kim." Tem then continued driving without asking Kim about it. He didn't dare just to ask 'why'.




Riinggg... Riinggg...

Riinggg... Riinggg...

Riinggg... Riinggg...

Porchay woke up to the ringing from his phone that hadn't stopped for the past few minutes.

Porchay was still trying to fully wake up. The phone still rang several times. Porchay didn't immediately answer the call, he purposely let his phone keep ringing. He knew who was calling him.

There was only one person who would call him without pause until Porchay answered. TAY!

After that, Porchay answered the call. He held the phone a bit far from his ear. ...

"CHAY!" Tay shouted loudly on the other side. Maybe this one earth can hear him shout.

Chay took a breath before answering Tay. Chay seems to have to be mentally and physically ready if Tay is already shouting.

"What? Why did you call me? Who is dead?" Chay asked, and he laugh a bit.

"Look at the clock now. What time is it? 8 AM! That means the Political Philosophy class will start! You know today we have a presentation? Why are you late?! Don't give me an excuses like forgetting to set the alarm or coming home late from work last night! I already asked  Time, he said that you didn't come home late. Now, get up! Take a shower and get ready! Come to class after that. Immediately! Don't be late before it's our turn to presentation. Don't give the excuse that your motorcycle is still broken. Macau and i have sent your motorcycle this morning. Macau and i did knocked on the door, but you didn't answer. Wake up right now or i'll tear your house down?"

FINALLY FOUND YOU | KIMCHAY [END]Where stories live. Discover now