
443 9 0

California 2011

Gwen hurried past, in a rush to make it in time to pick up her younger brother from middle school, rolling her eyes at the painfully slow walkers in front

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Gwen hurried past, in a rush to make it in time to pick up her younger brother from middle school, rolling her eyes at the painfully slow walkers in front. With her dad being the Sheriff and mum having constant trips to and from the hospital, Gwen was left to look after Stiles and mother him to do things such as do his homework and clean his teeth.

The blonde hadn't long left the school gates before she had been put to a stop, her eyes narrowing at the familiar group of boys calling her name.

"Hey come on Stilinski wait up!" The tallest one yelled, easily catching up with her with his long strides.

"What's up blondie?" Another taunted now in reaching distance and close enough to get under her skin.

Quickly noticing she couldn't shake them, Gwen stopped in her tracks, turning around to face the three. Joshua Blake the lankiest of the group and one to holler at her first looked down at her greedily, his lips painting a sly smirk which the blonde was itching to rip off.

"Are you a stalker now?" Her voice boomed "I told you to fuck off Josh."

The stilinski had all ready had a running with the jock already over his need to rattle her feathers in biology by attempting to flirt with the girl. However after telling him it would never happen, he failed to get the memo.

"Yh I don't think I heard you." He sneered along with his friends snickers in the background.

"Obviously not." She hummed before turning to leave again.

However she was stopped by a sharp tug to her wrist sending her into the boys chest and bag falling onto the floor.

"Gwen you know it's rude to-"

"Let go off me right now or I swear to god Joshua." Her cheeks flushed red with angry as she held back to urge of earning herself a new criminal record.

"Your do what?" Joshua laughed "Get good old daddy on me, but then yet again he's pretty busy looking after your crazy bitch of a mother."

He didn't have time to even start again before Gwen's hand came up to his face, knocking the last bit of sense left in him with a quick clean punch. Loosening his grip on her hand she swung again, seeing red with the mention of her parents, striking him directly in the nose.

[SUGAR  BABY] Derek.HaleWhere stories live. Discover now