「King in the bottle」

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"I'm sorry sir. I thought you want money to improve you and your family's life." The Devil said with apologies. "So you need money right?"

"No, I want to revive my wife and daughter now." The fisherman said. He looks so sad and regretful.

"A good choice." The Devil raises his hands and prepares to release magic.

"Wait." Hansen interrupts him. "I also want power. The power is strong enough to protect my family, and let others listen to me. I will kill the people who have messed with me before."

The devil sees the light of frenzy and hatred in the fisherman's eyes.

"But you only have one wish right? You should choose one of them, and the other one can't be realized."

Fisherman's eyes in more light when he hears the Devil's worlds. He looks to the sky, looks to that extinguished Polaris. The Polaris light again. With a faint red glow. The fisherman gazing in fascination at that beautiful star. Is he going to keep looking like this? He doesn't know. The Devil watches over this lost soul. He would have liked to say something to the fisherman, but he did not. One man and one Devil just sit on the ground. Their backs looked so similar, only the Devil's back was much taller.

No one knows how long they have been sitting. But when the sun just dyes the sea red like the fire, the fisherman stand up. He wants to leave this beach, but he doesn't do that.

He turned around. Face to the Devil.

"I want your magic. The magic that can revive my family, and can do everything I want!"

"You are smart, but you are not wise. It's ok, you will have the power to be strong like me."

Devil's eyes shine with a dazzling white light. Big stones and gray seawater float up. Revolve around the Devil. A giant muddy ball wraps the Devil in it.

The ball becomes clearer and clearer as time passes. Finally dissolved in the air.

The Devil is in the middle of the ball. He looks tired and weak. In his hand he cupped that dark blue bottle.

"Hansen, come here! The core of my magic is in this bottle."

"Sorry sir, I don't see any magic core in it. "

"No, you will find it. Go deeper, and you will find a blue ball."

"Yes, I found it. I will use it to be the king of the world!"

Next day, when the sun just dyes the sea red like the fire, our fisherman gets up and goes to work. He is still alone. No beautiful house, no power, no wife and daughter. Everything is the same as before.

But Hansen doesn't like rum anymore.

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