Chapter 3

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Kiara was sleeping when all of a sudden her phone rang. She woke up and looked to see who it was. "Sam, I was sleeping this has to be important." Kiara, Tara and I were attacked by ghost face. "Holy shit are you guys okay? Wait sorry of course your not." she said while jumping out of bed. We're headed to the police station for questioning. "Give me 10 minutes and I'll come pick you guys up." Kiara said and hung up.

She changed in a pair of jeans and a oversized hoodie, grabbed her keys, and jumped in the car and drove to the police station.

She stood outside of officer Bailey's office and waited for them to get done. "Excuse me, can I help you?" A feminine voice asked. She turned to see Kirby fucking Reed. "Kiara?" She questioned. Kiara laughed giving her a big hug. They broke apart and Kirby kept her hands on her shoulders.

"Oh my god, look at you, you got so big and gorgeous." She said with a laugh. Kiara looked down shaking her head. "Me? Look at you miss FBI." Kirby rolled her eyes and smiled. "Are you here for the Carpenters?" She questioned. Kiara nodded.

"Here let's go into the office and sit down while they finish up in there." She smiled as they sat in the chairs. "So I haven't seen you in a while how's college going?" Kiara looked at her and took a big breath in and out. "We'll it was going good until this all happened." She said while playing with her ring.

Kirby frowned and look at her. She put her hand on top of Kiara's. "Look, believe me, I know this sucks, it always does more the first time. But this will end and we will catch whoever this is. It never is in the favor of the fucks in the mask." Kiara look up with s small smile and nodded.

After another five minutes officer Bailey comes in. She ignore the conversation that they had and walked out to see Tara and Sam walk towards her. They pulled each other in for hugs. "I'll drive you guys back to your place. I'll wait outside while you guys finish up." They both nodded as she walked out.

As she walked out of the doors she found a shit ton of news reporters. She rolled her eyes and walked passed them. After a couple of minutes waiting leaning against the car on her phone she heard a bunch of people shouting.

Sam and Tara came out the doors ignoring all the people and their questions except for one. She saw Sam swing and the lady dodges it easily, while Tara swung and made contact with her face. "Ouch" she muttered to herself.

She got into the car and saw they walk up and get in and drove off. "Are you guys okay? Who was that?" Kiara asked looking between the road and Sam. "Gale Weathers" Sam said with a hint of anger in her voice. "Oh. Understandable." Was all she said.

She wasn't the biggest fan of her. I mean she's been through a lot, but it's always the same thing. After a horrible event occurred to others and herself, she would go and write a book about it. She has done it repeatedly. It makes you feel bad for the people who was trying to survive to get a book written about something so personal and violating to be made public.


Authors note:
So this is a little bit of
the movie. I'll try to update
every day. I'm a very slow
writer and very indecisive.
But I hope this is good.
Sorry if some of this isn't
in chronological order I'm
Trying my best.

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