Chapter One

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Hey there! First thing's first, I do not own the rights to the characters, plot (except my extra ones), or game Sudeki. All credit and ownership of rights belong to both Climax Studios and Microsoft.


So. I've been in love with Sudeki since I was a wee little elementary schooler. My dad found a review of it in Maxim Magazine and decided to buy a copy. During a school break I woke up in the middle of the night and he was playing it. I looked on the cover and saw four badass looking anime-like characters. A blue haired girl in the center had me captivated, and the back of the game case revealed that you can play as four different characters. She was seemingly one of them. I immediately knew that I had to see her in game. I sat down on the couch next to my dad and watched him play for a few hours, flinching at the gory graphics but refusing to leave when he told me to go to bed because it wasn't a game for kids to play or watch. Later on my mom would eventually start playing, and my brothers started to watch as well. And finally, our parents let us make a profile and do our best to play from the beginning.

Little did I know, after more than a decade later, I would have an intense hyperfixation on this game, and, to this day, it remains a very special interest to me. With that said, I hope you decide to follow me through this crazy endeavor I'm trying to tackle by doing my best to make my own fan novelization of the game. If by some crazy chance you've played it and love it as much as I do, I hope I at least do a decent job at staying true to it. I'm going to follow the storyline the best I can, but dialogue will be added that isn't in game, as well as weaving in my own plot lines and details that I can infer through years of paying attention to all of the little details of the game.

I will admit, though, that I'm super rusty with my writing, as I haven't written anything since I was a teenager. Please bare with me; I promise to do my best to give my beloved game justice.


Within towering walls built of orange, brown, and white stone stands Illumina Castle, heart of the Bright Empire - a grand castle with four towers reaching toward the heavens and a bustling courtyard. The sun shines brightly on the busy citizens below. Laughter of children can be heard in the soft breeze of the morning, and beyond that the sounds of waves splashing up on the walls surrounding the castle.

A dove soars through the sky, landing to rest in the windowsill of the quarters of one young soldier. Tal, son of the army's general, lay asleep at his desk, not having changed out of his armor from the day before. In the distance a loud bell rings, signaling the time for the Illumina Guard to meet at the training grounds of the castle. The heavy sound bellows throughout the courtyard, waking the redhead. Standing up abruptly, Tal wipes the sleep from his eyes and rushes out of his room in a panicked daze.

As he flies down the stairs and tries to leap down the last step to hasten his run, Tal almost collides with the couple walking past the entrance to his quarters. A woman with fair skin and orange hair jumps to one side, and a bespectacled man with dark blue hair jumps the other way to avoid getting bowled over. "Whoa, watch it Tal! What's the big hurry?" he asks as he reaches an arm around his companion.

"Sorry Elco...Tilly! I'm just so late!" the soldier exclaims, stopping to mumble to himself. Not a second later he turns around to run towards the training ground, only this time he does collide with something, a produce cart. Fruit goes flying into the air as Tal topples it over.

Another victim of his haste, a woman standing nearby is shoved aside as he attempts to regain his footing. As the fruit she was inspecting soars out of her hands, she hisses at him. "You clumsy ox, watch your step!" she yells. Tal apologizes another time, tossing her the apple he had caught in the air before continuing his mad dash.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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