The Meet

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It was the start of a new semester and you were filled with a sense of dread and thinking about the day ahead of you. You had just transferred to Blackmore University, hoping for a fresh start, but had a feeling things wouldn't be much better than they were at your old school. You rolled out of bed and got ready listening to your favorite music hoping that would start your day off on the right foot. While getting ready you happened to notice the time, shit you thought, you had 4 minutes to get to the other side of campus for your first class, economics. You frantically grabbed your bookbag and ran out the door.

You ran through your campus not paying attention to your surroundings when you suddenly rammed into something... or someone. You stopped for a second trying to register what just happened. You were brought back to reality when the attractive boy you just bumped into spoke, "I'm so sorry I should've been watching where I was going."

"No need to apologize, that was completely my fault, I'm sorry." You responded apologetically. You exchanged a few final, awkward, glances before continuing to your class.

You got to your class and quietly went in. You tried your best not to catch the attention of your professor, by taking a seat in the back of the class, but failed. "I presume you're y/n l/n" your professor questioned in front of your entire class as you took a seat. "And you must be Ethan Landry" your professor announced as you noticed the guy you had bumped into moments earlier taking the seat next to you. You both nodded and your professor continued the lecture.

After class you approached the boy from earlier again and began to speak, "Hey Ethan, right, I just wanted to apologize again for earlier I was running late and it was supposed to be my first chance at a fresh start and I was freaking out and not paying attention to where I was going and I'm just really sorry."

"It's alright, I totally get it. So, this is your first semester at Blackmore?" He replied, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, I just transferred from a school in Boston, I'm y/n." You replied as you both started to walk towards the exit. You continued to talk to Ethan on the way to your next class, and eventually exchanged numbers with the promise of him showing you the "best place for pizza in all of New York" before the two of you parted ways.

Authors Note- Sorry this chapter is short and not well written, please let me know if I need to fix anything or if you have any suggestions. Thanks for reading! :)

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