The beginning of my story

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Dear Reader

    How do I even start my life story without making it boring or or mundane... well I came up with a solution that might or might no work. Well my solution to my problem is that I wll tell my life as a fiction story just to make it interesting and worth the viewers attention like stretching the truth or so I think maybe I'll start off by writing once a week or when I feel like it. Also there are somethings better kept quiet than told. I just hope and wish that this fantasy filled autobiography or let's just say random story of my life can be an interesting thing to look back on. Maybe my friends can look on this and enjoy something small and interesting as my character goes on small adventure in my mind.
    I also hope you guys like the point of view of someone like me and maybe even learn something like maybe... see the small and little things that bring joy, sadness and various other emotions a way you might never see. As someone who struggles with the real world and with other small stuff at home and even when my words start to look like ancient letters on a page, cus I cant make up the words or don't remember how they are spelled or maybe you feel like you can relate to my character then I just hope is in a good way. I would love to put so much emotion in To my story you feel what my character feels. I guess my story will start today.
    11 March— what a day to wake up at 7am as I am used to my hound waking me up early to go on a delightful yet annoying stroll in the front yard of my tiny yet very humble cottage but today I was at my fathers even smaller cave but its only us three and only for the weekend. I had dreadfully woken up whiles my family slept till later in the morning, I waited for about three howlers before my father told me we were leaving on a small trip. I got my hint and got ready to leave to my fathers girlfriends house but I like calling her my stepmother she is quite kind and I could dare say a princess but this princess doesn't live in a fancy castle but that's alright. When we got there she made us breakfasts and went off to get ready because today we where going to the theater to watch well a movie how else can I say that, it was a strange and peculiar movie with Dinosaurs and people from a different planet. In the theater we played games in the umm... arcade again no other way to say that.
    We took a lot of photos and just enjoyed the day out, after that we went to my stepmothers house and ate lets jus say I eat more when im with my father sadly that's another story for another time. Once we got home I tried to play a game with my sister but well it wasn't the time for that it was Time to shower and go home for the night. I got home to write a bit of m adventure it was a small one but any day out of your home is always an adventure. I hope you will join me for my next adventure or my next chapter.

Quote- never forget that every day you go on little adventures even in your mind alone in your room.

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