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L was right, I was freezing outside and i couldn't find him anywhere or Carifa so i just stood around looking for somewhere to use the bathroom. "who the fuck decided a party outside would be a good idea" i muttered as i pulled out my phone to text L i'm going home. "You ain't having fun mami?" a brown skin boy with big brown eyes said to me as he smoke a blunt. " It would be better if i could use the bathroom" i told him over the blasting music. " Here, i'll let you use mine cause you my type and i'm jacking you" " hm, you think imma fuck you in return nigga cause you asking the wrong girl"
" i was just hoping for some neck but it's aight, there's some bushes over there if you want"

He started to walk away but i called him back " wait, My name Christine" i told him. i just need to use the bathroom than go take a shower and hop into bed. He turned his head and motioned for me to follow and i jogged a bit to catch up to him while pushing through all the people dancing and smoking. I felt my phone buzz as L texted me back saying he would drive me and Reef. I responded quickly telling him my ubers already on the way as i closely followed by the boy. " i was just playing when i said that mami, but my names Dthang, you can call me D" " Okay D, you live here long?" i asked tryna make convo " yeah, my whole life" The large tower appeared to get even bigger as we got closer. " Thank you so muc———"


Gunshots went off and D grabbed me by my hand and pulled me into the tower as people around us were screaming and running. L immediately started to ring my phone and i picked up " are you good? where you at, i'm with Reef in da car" he told me " I'm fine, i'm in one of the towers right now my uber is like 5 minutes away" " fuck the uber imma find you and we leaving" " no, it's fine just drop Reef off i'll be home a little bit after you, plus it's gone take forever for you to find me i don't even know what tower i'm in" "i'm not leaving without you, just drop a pin" " L seriously i'm fine, cops are gonna be showing up anyways i'm not in any danger" "CC stop acting stupid just let me know where you are" " i'm not 15, you can't control me okay? i'm gonna just take my uber"

i hung up the phone as the boy still kept a grip on my hand and walked me through the tower to what i'm assuming is his place. " that your nigga?" he asked me as we stopped infront of a door. " oh no just my dumbass brother, he loves to act like my dad" " if you really wanna piss him off don't even go home" he joked with me. Reef started texting me as D opened the door. Her message read " girl u pissed him offff, he told me to tell you that he don't care anymore if u get shot" i read the text and walked into Dthang place hesitantly. "the bathroom right there" he pointed as he went into his bedroom.

I went into the bathroom and did my buisness and tried to check when my uber was here but my phone was dead. i exited the bathroom and headed to dthangs room and knocked, he looked up from his phone " you want me to show you out or something?" "nah i just need to charge my phone" "yeah just wait till my shit is done." i stood at his doorframe just staring at him as he went onto his tv. He felt my eyes and turned his attention back to me " you can come in if you want"

i slowly walked towards the bed and sat on the very edge as far away from D as i could. I looked down at my hands and fidgeted with my pants as i could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. " so where  you from?" he asked breaking the silence. " around." i response bluntly, my brother always told me to not tell strangers my business. "damn, why you moving like that mami?" he questioned as he slowly edged up closer to me. "like what?"
"like you not jacking a nigga"
"cause i'm not jacking you, i don't talk to niggas"
"well we ain't gotta talk mami if you don't want to, we can get straight too it"

My cheeks started to fluster as i turned my head and made eye contact with him. I've given head before but never fucked, so the thought of doing it with a random nigga is odd.
"i'm not about to fuck a nigga i just met" i told him as i handed him my phone to plug in. L was probably going crazy wondering where i was. " who says i'm a random? imma make you mine trust" he cockily said as he placed his hand on my inner thigh. I got hit with goosebumps as he started rubbing up on me. It lowkey felt good but the guilt of being a hoe started to get to me. I grabbed his hand and placed back on his lap. "im okay, i just need to charge my phone" i moved farther away from him and placed myself on the head rest.

He moved back to his side of the headrest and plugged my phone in. About 15 minutes went by and i asked d to pass me my phone as we just made small talk. I had 13 missed calls from my brother and 2 from Reef. I started scrolling through all the texts from L and they all went along the lines of fuck you, imma kill you when i see you, don't even bother coming home. I called Reef back and waited for her to answer. It rang and rang and she didn't answer. "so you gonna leave now?" D asked me as i got up from his bed and started to grab my things. All of a sudden Reef started to facetime call me back. I quickly went into Ds bathroom and answered

"Bitch where the fuck are you? I actually think your brother might kill someone"
"Im still in river park at this guys house, he's tryna fuck me but i just need to get outta here"
"girl be quiet your brother dropped me off at your place and he just pacing around the living room"
"how mad is he?"
"He was saying stuff about Othia, but you know he doesn't mean it, he's just mad. just come back to your house and talk it out." my heart almost shattered.

Othia was one of my bestfriends when i was younger but he got killed by some people when we were younger. L knew that was my soft spot and i started to get filled with so many emotions at once.

I hung up on Reef without even responding and walked back into Ds room. "You tryna make a sex tape?"

Hey yalll, what y'all thought about this chapter? lowkey boring icl but it's gonna get juicy

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