Lamia's Longing

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They called it The Merging.

A time where the world of monsters and the world of man fused into one. Nobody was sure how it happened, though it has been documented that a rogue Dark Lady was responsible.

All we knew was that one day our world was perfectly normal. And then one was not.

Monsters lived together in...somewhat okay circumstances. There were a few wars over the years fought mainly over territory, but for the most part we weren't that violent. We had coliseums for our more animalistic urges, where monster could fight monster without fear of a more unpleasant, not so temporary fate.

We also had brothels for those who desired sex without the more permanent consequences of becoming Mated.

Ah yes, I suppose I should explain what that means.

A Mated couple were simply that, mated for life. The race of monster did not matter, it was a deeper genetic consequence of those who had sex because of their emotions, rather than base pleasure. Young monsters could easily bond after their first time even if they didn't mean to. And as such, brothels became more or less mandatory to stop such accidents occurring.

Not everyone wanted to settle down after a single fuck after all.

And it worked for a time, hells perhaps it would have worked forever if not for The Merging. But alas, it was not meant to be.

Ah...The Merging, I should probably explain more about it shouldn't I.

My Grandmother described it to me as a time of pure terror. She had been a little girl at the time and had gone to sleep nestled in her mothers coil only to wake up to the sound of gunfire and screaming. The gunfire had terrified her, she had no idea what it was at that time.

Worst still was that her mother was all but catatonic, a terrible consequence of being Mated. For her father had been caught in the shooting while trying to protect their home. One shot to the head and he had died instantly.

And her mother had felt it, as all Mated couples can feel the other. One second their bond was there and the next...gone.

Gone forever.

It was only the desperate maternal instinct to protect her young did her mother manage to regain her mind. But she never truly recovered and died of heartbreak in the end, a Mated Lamia desperately reaching for a love that she could no longer feel.

The Merging as is implied by the title, merged our worlds into one. The problem was however that the world we merged with were beyond us in terms of advancement. They had guns, bombs, cars, planes and had even been to space.

Such things were beyond the mind of a Monster back then. We still fought with swords and claws and teeth...we stood no chance against such a superior foe.

But then something miraculous happened, the gunfire, the fighting, it all stopped. The leaders of their race met with the leaders of ours and worked together to form a fragile peace. As it turned out, neither side were innocent, both had killed the other out of fear. We had never seen their kind before and some of the more violent Monsters took advantage of their initial surprise and fear.

And of course, the Humans returned that violence in kind and took it up to eleven.

Peace was beyond needed at that point, it was mandatory to stop a genocide.

It was only after a couple of months that something truly strange...and yet wonderful began to happen. Humans and Monsters began to form relationships, and from relationships Mated couples began to pop up.

For Humans it was a terrifying experience, they were a solitary race after all. To suddenly find someone else all but living inside you, feeling your emotions, sharing your thoughts, seeing your memories.

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