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Y/n continued to see Georgie over the next two weeks. Things were going rather well, but it was still casual.

She really liked him and actually felt alright after losing her virginity to him.

Y/n was once again back in Medford laundry as her parents still hadn't purchased a washing machine yet.

She didn't come just to see Georgie anymore as she was seeing him pretty much everyday now on dates that ended with then making out or even more in the back seat of his Mustang.

She actually needed to wash her clothes.

Y/n was putting her clothes in the dryer when the owner of the laundromat, Georgie's grandmother and the women she met at the restaurant on her and Georgie's first date.

"Hey there," Connie approached her, smiling. "You're Georgie's friend, right?"

A little more than that, y/n thought as she smiled politely to the older woman.

"Yes. Y/n, hi." Y/n said politely to Connie as if this woman's grandson didn't give it to her in the back room of the laundromat yesterday after it closed.

"So how were things down under?" Connie went onto ask, leaning on the broom.

"Yeah, great." Y/n said. "Very different though."

"So what do you do? In high school?"

Y/n nodded "Yep, about to start senior year at the end of summer, I'm also a dancer, Irish dancer."

"Irish dancer? Wow." Connie gasped as Georgie walked into the laundromat.

"Yeah, I've been doing it since I was a little girl, worked my way up to nationals and—"

"What's going on, ladies?" Georgie asked as he approached them, standing next to y/n and putting his hand on the small of her back.

"Just getting to know y/n here," said Connie gesturing to y/n.

"Yeah, I was just telling her about my dancing," y/n said.

"You sound great y/n," Connie said, "An Australian dancer, Georgie really scored."

"Anyway, I'll let you get back to your work, meemaw." Georgie said.

"I'll leave you two kids be," Connie said, looking at them both, both walking off backwards.

"I like her," y/n turned to Georgie once she was out of ear shot.

Georgie chuckled, "Are you doing anything tonight?" He asked her.

God, y/n adored his accent.

"No," y/n answered.

"I'll pick you up at 7?" Georgie asked, without waiting for y/n to answer before he swooped down and kissed her jaw and walked away.


"So where do you wanna go?" Georgie asked, once he picked y/n up and they were in the car.

"I'm up for anything," y/n shrugged.

"What about a movie?" Georgie suggested, looking over at her. She was dolled up and looked so good to him.

"Movie sounds good," y/n shook her head. "Or..."

"Or?" Georgie questioned.

"Or we could just go back to your place?" Y/n suggested.

"Oh," Georgie said, surprised but keen, "That'd be amazing."

"Well, amazing is a lot of pressure," y/n chuckled.

"Just letting you know, I live in my parents garage." Georgie said, still looking over at her.

"Well, my parents live in the room right next to mine so it's your place or the closet of the laundromat again." Y/n said, giving Georgie a look.

"My place works." Georgie nodded quickly making y/n laugh a little.


"You're eager aren't you," Georgie teased after y/n had opened the door to the garage.

"Shut up," she said before grabbing his face and pulled him down to kiss her.

Georgie kissed back quickly and his arms wrapped around her waist as he backed her against the wall.

Y/n gasped slightly and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as her leg wrapped around his waist.

Georgie swooped his hands under both her thighs and lifted her off the ground, y/n secured her legs arms and legs around him.

"Didn't know you were so strong," y/n teased as Georgie moved her off the wall and walked towards his bed.

"I lift weights." Georgie said smugly and y/n rolled her eyes as he sat her on the edge of his bed. Georgie stood in front of her, leaning over so they were eye level.

"Of course you do," y/n said as Georgie connected their lips again.

Y/n's hands went straight to his hair again whilst Georgie's hands traveled up and down her sides before they landed on her waist, where he lifted her slightly and pushed her back on the bed so she was lying on her back and he was hovering above her.

Georgie slid his tongue into her mouth, making y/n let out a small moan. His right hand connected with hers and y/n's other hand pulled at the strands of his hair still.

Georgie's left hand reached down and caressed her knee for a few seconds before his hand traveled up her inner thigh.

Y/n gasped out of surprised, but she liked it.

Georgie disconnected their lips and kissed along her neck and jaw, as he caressed her inner thigh.

Y/n couldn't help but moan at the feeling and she pulled Georgie back up to connect their lips again.

Y/n sat up slightly, and Georgie immediately sat up in case something was wrong but y/n soon started removing her shirt until it was completely discarded.

"Amazing," Georgie breathed out.

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