The Other Woman [1/1]

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"I doubt it. You barely find it in yourself to hug your own." 

"I hug who I want. I hug who I love. Particularly when they are affected by the selfishness of others and need cheering up!"

"Who are you referring to?!" 

"Camilla."Charles snarled, the mention of his mistress causing Diana's heart to drop dramatically. Diana could feel tears starting to build up in her eyes, but the woman quickly blinked them away.

"Why would I care about her!"

"Because I care about her! Morning, noon and night I care about her and you hurt her... And if you hurt her...."The prince let out frustrated breaths,"...You hurt me...Camilla is who I want. That is where my loyalties lie. That is who my priority is!" 

There was nothing but silence heard during those next few moments. Diana fought the lump that desperately blocked her from swallowing the saliva that coated her throat.  

Charles could see the pain displaying onto his wife's features, but his heavy breathing kept him from saying anything else in that time.  

Shaking her head, Diana finally came to conclusion that there wasn't anything she could in order to save their marriage.  

And it was true. Not wanting to bear the horrible thought any longer, Diana found herself walking far away from the prince. 

For now, she needed fresh air.

As she walked, Diana tried to push the tears away, but they kept streaming down her face. She couldn't believe that Charles had just admitted to loving someone else. It was like a dagger through her heart. She had known about his affair with Camilla, but hearing him say that she was his priority made it all the more real.

Diana had always hoped that Charles would come to his senses and realize that she was the one he truly loved. But it seemed that he had made his choice. And Diana knew that she couldn't compete with Camilla. She was the one he had always loved, and Diana was just a temporary distraction.

The fresh air did little to calm Diana's racing thoughts. She felt lost and alone, with nowhere to turn. She had always tried to be the perfect wife for Charles, but it had all been in vain. He had never truly loved her, and she had been living in a fantasy world.

As she walked, Diana made a decision. She knew that she couldn't continue living in a loveless marriage. It was time for her to take control of her own life and move on. It wouldn't be easy, but she knew it was the right thing to do.

With a newfound sense of determination, Diana

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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