Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"To Rhona, and her future successes." Zayn's chocolate eyes meet mine as he raises the flute he holds in gesture. My colleagues - well, ex colleagues now - follow in suit, with both the words and solute of sorts.

I muster a nod of thanks, uncomfortable with the attention and unflattered by the act they all seem to be putting on. As if any of them gave a shit about me working here the last few years. As if I was ever really appreciated here. And as if anyone could really give a fuck what my future holds let alone if it ends up being successful. Zayn included. I down the champagne in two large gulps and immediately busy myself with a refill, dodging any fake patronage conversations that ensue after such things.

A small farewell shindig is the usual protocol here when a member leaves, not that it happens often. But the one thing I look forward to during these after hour work events is the free alcohol. If there's one thing to make me stay in the workplace well beyond my rostered schedule without pay, it's getting legless at the bosses expense. The office Christmas parties were always marked in my calendar and they never disappointed. But unfortunately tonight I won't be getting completely hammered, thanks to the dinner plans I had made with my mother and aunt Liza.

My dinner plans acted as the excuse to dip out of this work drinks early and avoid any conversation of my lack of planning career wise. I had no response for whomever may ask where I was going to be working next, why I had quit or what my insinuated "successful future" involves. But now I fear the questions that will come at dinner rather than here. At least here a closed off demeanour and warning glance could keep these people at bay. Not my mother or Liza.

I knew my mother was worried for me when I told her about quitting. It wasn't till she had asked me what I had planned to do next that the slither of anxiety crept in. For the first time in my life I was in a sort of limbo with the direction of my life. I had no set plan, no goal and no control of what was to happen next. In my frustration with Zayn's inability to give me what I needed I had jumped without any parachute to catch my fall. And that frightened me a little - though I would never let on to it.

By my third glass of bubbles and successfully dodging any real conversations with my old colleagues, I take my leave from this office for the last time without much notice from the others. It appears free booze is a high priority on everyone else's minds too, I don't blame them given the usual depressing work environment.

I opt to walk to the restaurant where I am to meet my mother and Liza. It's not that far from the office complex and it gives me the opportunity to pair the drinks I've just thrown back with a Lambert and Butler gold. It takes two strikes of my thumb on the lighter before the habit-forming smoke clouds my mouth and billows down my throat in a gratifying burn. The sky is already darkened but the street lamps, store fronts and restaurants that line the pavement.

"Oi, oi!" The male call comes from the inner footpath as I walk past and I roll my eyes and take a longer drag on my cigarette in preparation.

"Where're you headed tonight Gyal?" The stranger falls in step next to me rubbing his hands together in excitement. I spare a glance sideways at him, noting the matching black adidas tracksuit and clean trainers. The gold chains and one gold front tooth give me a slight indication as to what he may do for a living. No one in their right mind would be flashing those kind of jewels around here at this time of night without being targeted for an easy robbery. Unless you didn't have to fear the ones robbing you, unless you were at the top of the street hierarchy. Unless you were a drug dealer.

"You want to know my plans for tonight?" I ask him, still walking at a steady pace down the path but he does well weaving through a few people to stay with me.

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