Chapter 6 Day 5: fighting and choosing

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~~~Last time ~~~

After a few minutes of glaring
Bonnie whispered something in foxy's ear. That's when foxy looked like he had enough.

Foxy punched Bonnie in the face. Bonnie returning the punch..............
~~~~~Still night 4~~~~
(Y/n) P.O.V
They both keep punching each other. I just stood there like a idiot,
I didn't know how to stop them.

"Both of you stop" I said above a whisper. they just keep hurting each other.

"Stop" I keep saying while crying, but they didn't listen they where to busy fight.

" Enough!!!" I heard two voices say at the say time. I looked up. I saw Freddy with another animatronic that looked like Freddy only he was gold color.

Bonnie and foxy both stop fighting and looked at both Freddys.

Freddy turned to me and pointed to the other animatronic.

" (y/n) this is my brother Golden Freddy" Freddy said. Golden Freddy smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you (y/n)"

"Nice to meet you too" I looked over at Bonnie and foxy, they both glared at each other and foxy left.

Probably to Pirate cove.

I felt tired and went to the office. I looked around a fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip to night 5~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up. looking around I heard shouting.

I ran out of the office and to the noise, But hid in the dark.

I found human Bonnie holding a knife
And human foxy holding his hook in front of him.

"The rest are not here, they went with Goldy for some reason. hehehehe so now we can settle this right foxy?" Bonnie looked mad

"That's right, the one who survives gets (y/n) that was the deal" foxy smirked.

After that they started to fight. foxy using his hook as a weapon and Bonnie using the knife as a weapon.

In my head I knew that if I don't choose a side right now one of them was going to die because of me.


I choose the one I like the most. I found out that I loved him even if I didn't know him that much, I am going to tell him how I feel.

Even if I know it will hurt the other I still choose him. smiling I got closer to the fight ready to stop it.

I was about to say something until I saw he was loosing, he was getting beat up.

He was about to get stabbed with the other weapon but I got in front of him taking the hit.

I felt pain in my back and fell to the floor

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!" I heard him yell.


Goldy: yay!!! I was in this chapter

Me: yep ^~^

Goldy: good

Me: ok next is the endings ;-; sorry for the short story

Foxy: hay sanelest is (y/n) going to choose me??

Bonnie: ya what he said

Me: you both are going to have different endings ^•^
(Y/n) it's time to choose who

Bonnie and foxy: choose meee!!

Me: please vote and comment

Animatronic love (Bonnie x reader x foxy)Where stories live. Discover now