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Likes: music, dancing, cooking, art, reading, warm beds, calm walks, racing and mechanics 

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Likes: music, dancing, cooking, art, reading, warm beds, calm walks, racing and mechanics 

Dislike: cold, loneliness, bullies, racism and war.


(Has enough space for cars and jets

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(Has enough space for cars and jets. They're is a path that leads to a beach with a yacht

 They're is a path that leads to a beach with a yacht

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Next to the beach was an airfield with a flying base

Next to the beach was an airfield with a flying base

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Holographic assistant. Penny

A personal race course and roads in the way of a race along with a 3d printer so big i could print any vehicle

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A personal race course and roads in the way of a race along with a 3d printer so big i could print any vehicle.

(Now you may be wondering about the whole rich situation. Well your fathers company is the largest to make smart cars. Cars that can connect with your devices and also makes military based devices made billions. But with that attention he worries that you'll be used as ransom from other companies and countries so he hid you on an island)

The Cybertronian ship they used to get to earth.

The Cybertronian ship they used to get to earth

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