Don't look down

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Sometimes as I gaze into the night sky I wonder if it's all worth it. Is it too late to try? Or can I still manage to scrape by. I wonder if my efforts will add up to nothing but a rinse and repeat; having to keep rinsing the slate, only to dirty what once was neat. I don't want an endless cycle but I'm afraid there's no end to this continuous walk down all these identical roads. I know what I want; yet end up questioning myself. Will the road change? Will I wind up trapped in a cage? But I came to an obvious conclusion that I couldn't see because I had pulled the wool over my own eyes. You have to walk the roads to find out; even though some may make you scream and shout. But I beg of you. Do not let go of that hope that's keeping you from backtracking into the darkness bellow once again; don't look down, look to the future. Your future. Want it. KNOW that you can have it if you put in a valiant effort. But don't blindly believe in a path; believe in yourself.

Don't look down (poem)Where stories live. Discover now