I'm Tired(Kanemoto Yoshinori X Male Reader)

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Standing still.
As still as still can be.
Frozen in place.
Tires screeching.
Bright lights approaching.

"Why do you always do this!?" He screamed in anger.
"Why are you blaming me?" I yelled back.
"I gave my all into this relationship and all you did was ruin it by using your lame ass excuse that you fell out of love with me!"


Breaking news:
Another fateful night yet again, another drunk driving incident has happened in the suburbs this time claiming the life of a young girl walking on the side walk. I truly am at a loss for words here James, due to the recent lowered prices of beer and other alcoholic beverages at local marts, lots of men have been buying alcohol and driving around whilst they're drunk. What a terrible night once more for the town.

*M/N's POV*
That was a few nights ago, the fight between us I mean.
I'm currently staying at my friend's house until we can cool down again.
"Gurl, you need to let go of this relationship of yours, it's already going nowhere and it's falling apart." Thena spoke.
"But---" I barely spoke when she interrupted.
"He fell out of love with you may I remind?"
"Well, I mean yeah but still---"
"Well then we can't do anything about it but respect his decision."
"But we still want to try and save this wreck of a relationship."
"Why?" A question that I have been bothered by ever since we began relationship counseling.
"Because we didn't waste years of it just for him to fall out of love."
"That's a really stupid reason."
"Shush, it's a pretty good one in my eyes."
Silence creeped in, our small debacle ended.
"So what are you gonna do next?"
"We'll keep trying."
"Well, I'll respect your decision then." Thena said, in a defeated and slightly annoyed at my stupidity tone.
"Just know that if you need me, I'm right here to help like you did for me." Thena added, her tone changing into a genuine and loving tone.
"Thank you, really." I replied with a smile.
"No problem."

*A few days later*
"So, how has it been for the two of you lately?" Our relationship counselor asked.
She was a very wise woman, around her late 40s, a constant aura of homeliness and comfort surrounding her, her gaze still as soft as ever like a caring and loving mother, wearing her usual style of clothing which consists of: a trenchcoat, reading glasses, long pants, and a blouse.
"It didn't work, the plan I mean, and we got into another fight." Yoshi, my partner, answered her question.
"Oh. Well then, would you like to talk about that fight you mentioned; to relieve some tension between the two of you that may still remain, to clear up the atmosphere." She suggested while writing on her clipboard.
"I think that would be beneficial, but personally I'd rather not." I replied.
"Alright, well I have another suggestion for the two of you." She began.
"Your relationship began in high school, am I correct?" Reading our records and files for the information she might need.
"Yep." Both of us replied.
"Well, what was your most precious and memorable moment from that time?" When she asked that I started remembering our most memorable moments but one moment always comes to mind when our high school era is being discussed.
The time when we defied all odds and I took a big risk that could've gotten me into a lot of trouble if not for everyone being supportive for not only me but for the both of us.
High school prom, where I attended wearing a gown that my mom chose for me.
It was my first time crossdressing and it felt so amazing that the entire time felt so ethereal despite it being quite ephemeral due to the time alloted for the party.
I explained it in detail to our counselor and she told us that we could try and recreate which isn't too bad of an idea if you think about it.
We left our appointment soon after and we started planning the recreation of our high school prom.

*The night of the recreated prom*
Tonight's the night.
Hopefully this time it works.
I wore the same dress I did a few years ago and Yoshi's wearing the same tux he did during that night.
We got into our car and drove to the venue.
When we arrived, everyone from our batch welcomed us with knowing yet happy grins on their faces.
"Hopefully no one gets too drunk." I joked to Yoshi.
He laughed and slid his arm over my shoulder.
"That would lead to a tragedy if so." He replied with another joke.
Both of us laughed yet I started feeling queasy again, like something is off about this evening.
It's like something is impending.
I brushed it off and continued enjoying the party.
We laughed, we danced, we shared stories of our life after we graduated.
We shed a few tears after.
Everyone was going home already when, while we were walking to the parking lot where our car is parked, Yoshi spoke.
"I can feel it again."
"What do you mean?"
"It's like something weird."



"Well just say it." I chuckled.
"The spark, the love, I can feel it again." He said.
I gasped.
I walked back a few steps in shock.
Not noticing I was on the side of the road already.
I gave him a big, bright smile in return.
The entire night I've been ignoring the unnerving feeling of something going wrong, it was faint at first but now I'm sure that something really horrible is going to happen.
I'm not ready for it, I just got him back and I can't lose him ever again.
The silence was both serene and heart-wrenching and deafening.
Time seemed to go in slow motion.
As I stood there, waiting for it to come, Yoshi shone back a, small but equally as bright as mine, smile at me which only made it more heartstring-pulling.
Then there it was, the sensation hit its peak as bright lights shone from my right.
The loud screech of car tires echoed through the silent night as I saw Yoshi turn, panic, and bolt for me yet I stood still and smiled brighter.
I felt the vehicle hit me from the side and I felt my body completely fly and be thrown to the side as I saw the blood stain my beautiful gown.
I hear Yoshi scream as time returns to its normal state and I hit a nearby tree, the car crashing into the same tree, pinning me and crushing my torso and upper limbs.
I remain there, motionless as I see Yoshi run to me.
"M/N, no this can't be happening. Baby no not now." Yoshi screamed like his life was being stolen from the depths of his soul.
"Yoshi, our bedroom drawer, 2nd to the top, read it." I said as my final words.
The corner of my eyes started turning black as I felt the life leave out of my body, then...

"Just in, another drunk driving accident happened near the Sunshine High School where the victim is 25-year old male M/N.
Medical reports say he experienced a very painful death as his torso and arms were crushed after being slammed by the car into a tree. Both the victim and driver were found dead while the victim's partner was seen mourning the loss of his beloved. As painful as his death may seem, paramedics claim to have found the victim with a peaceful smile. Bless his pour soul James, this Amanda with the news, good night."

*After the funeral, Yoshi's POV*
'Yoshi, our bedroom drawer, 2nd to the top, read it.'
It rang through my head as I lifelessly approach the said drawer.
I open it to find an envelope.
I tore it open to find a letter with M/N's handwriting and medical records.

"Dear Yoshi,

               By the time you find this, I may already be dead or you're pointlessly cleaning the room again. It's not easy for me to say but I have leukemia, and it's already terminal. By the time I'm writing this, I have only 10 months left(April 2022) and I want to spend all of it with you. It's the reason why I agreed to all of our counselor's suggestions. I hope you find someone better than me. Someone who can truly fulfill all of your wants and needs.
                                                All my love,
                                                      M/N♡  "

Tears endlessly flowed down my eyes.
He was dying.
He was dying and I didn't even know it.
I wish I'd never fallen out of love with you, M/N.
But we'll be together now, very soon.

Hi! It's me
I don't have a lot of time so I'm just gonna say that, another ending can be provided for this oneshot if requested by the viewers.
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'll see you all in the next one, bye!
Word Count: 1535 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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