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Act 2~Chapter 4: Halloween

Avery was in her room getting changed for school. It was halloween so her brother and friends were all getting in there costumes. She was going to go in costume but did not want to deal with the possibility of being the only person in a costume so she grabbed an extra bag and stuffed her costume in there, in case there were others who were in costume and got into normal clothes. 

She walked into the living room with her two bags in hand and sat on the couch, waiting for Will to finish getting ready. Their  mother was doing the zipper on Wills ghostbuster costume and adding some finishing touches in his room before re-entering the living room to take pictures of the twins. 

After a few photos, Jonathan called Avery over to have a photo with her brother. She hesitantly walked over and posed with her brother. The siblings took a few more photos and then got in the car on the way to school.


The two walked over to the friends and heard them singing the ghostbusters song.

"Ghostbusters!" Will finished for them.

"Hey, Spengler!"

"Egon! Yeah!"


"Woah! Woah!" Mike said, looking at Lucas.

"What?" Lucas questioned.

"Why are you Venkman?" Mike asked

"Because, I'm Venkman!" Lucas stated.

"No. I'm Venkman!" Mike told him.

"Why can't there be two Venkmans?" Avery asked her arguing friends.

"Because  there's only one Venkman in real life! We planned this months ago!" Mike said, "I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, Will is Egon and you're Winston!"

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston," Lucas told him.

"Yes, you did!" Mike shouted.

"I don't think he did," Will said to the two with Dustin and Avery nodding in agreement.

"No one wants to be Winston, man!" Lucas stated.

"What's wrong with Winston?" Mike asked.

"What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas told him.

"Yeah, but he's still cool!" Mike defended.

"If he's cool, why don't you be Winston?" Lucas asked.

"I can't?" Mike said.

"Why not?" Avery asked, joining in the argument.

Mike struggled to come up with an argument to defend himself and was just stuttering the word 'because'.

Lucas mocked Mike and then said, "Because you're not black?" 

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