Chapter 4

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"M-Mei?", I heard her stuter so silently that only a fanalis could hear. I smiled opened my arms for a hug. She stormed towards me hugging me crying. I just huged her back."Don't worry Morgiana. I told you as long as you wear your earing I will find you." I said drying the tears from her face.

Little did I know not only Morgiana, Alibaba and Aladin had spotted me but also Sinbad, Jafar and Masrur. I only realised it once they walked around the corner.

I let go of Morgiana and stood before her. I quickly gave them a small bow:"I there something wrong?" Sinbad smiled at me probably trying to make me get a few feelings for him so I would agree with whatever he was aboug to ask. But too bad that I don't like men 10 years older than me and that I knew his sheme. "Would you like to be freed?"he asked. I knew it. It was only then when Morgiana, Alibaba and Aladin saw the chains at my feet. "Please do not worey about a lowly slave like me your majesty. If I wanted to leave and be free in your words I would have done so long ago." Morgiana pulled my clotges a little. I turned to her:"Yes Morgiana?" She looked at me:"don't you want to spend your time with and go back?". I smiled at her:"You still have a long way ahead Morgiana and I will help you on that way don't worry". I turned back to Sinbad:"If there is anything you want from me please just state it I don't have much time.""I don't want anything from you. It's just surprising seeing two siblings reunite again and I wanted to help with that." He stated awkwardly. I sighned:"and how could you help me? Breaking my chains wouldn't help me.""I was going to say that I would givd you refugie in Sindria since slaveryis illegal there."He  smiled once again. Morgiana looked at me hoping I would agree. "What do you want in return?" I asked sceptical. There is just no way that I don't need to do anything in return. "You will protect the peopleof Sindria when the 8 generals can't" Jafar stated. I almost forgot that he is here. "But wouldn't that refrain me from traveling with my sister?". Before Jafar or Sinbad were able to answer somebody screamed my name.


Tsk. Of cours that ba$tard was going to look why I am taking so long.

Once he saw that I qasn't allown he turned his anger down."I am sorry did my alave cause you any truble extemed sir?". "Of course not" Sinbad answered. "I see you are also in possetion of two fanalis?" he looked at Morgiana and Masrur. Gaining a glare from both of them. "They aren't mine. They are free." Shock written all over my 'master's' face:"You let these monsters run free?!". Shocking everyone exept for me. He has always been like this seeing fanalis as monsters or animals. Sinbad was about to say something until I  kicked my 'master' into the next wall. Walking over to him crushing his head with my foot. People started screaming. I bend down tl my chains and crushed the tick partf between my thump and my pointy finger. "I guess I wll be going with you"

Morgiana's elder sisterWhere stories live. Discover now