Chapter 1: The Mysterious Forest and the disappearance of Kier

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sorry if this is kind of cringy, but I hope you like it ^^
contains main 5 color crew members, old au of mine from a while ago


Kier, Dev, Boosfer, YelloWool, and Bubbo were on an adventure in a dense forest, trekking through the thick undergrowth. As night began to fall, they decided to set up camp and rest for the night.

While they were setting up camp, Boosfer grumbled, "I don't like this place. It gives me the creeps."

Kier smirked, "What's the matter, big guy? Are you afraid of the dark?"

Boosfer scowled, "I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of what might be hiding in it."

Dev chuckled, "Don't worry, Boosfer. With Kier here, we're in good hands."

Kier gave a reassuring nod, "That's right. No matter what happens, we'll stick together and face whatever comes our way."

As they sat around the fire, roasting marshmallows, YelloWool spoke up, "I heard that this forest is haunted by spirits. They say that if you wander too deep into the forest, you'll never come back."

Bubbo rolled his eyes, "Don't be silly, YelloWool. There's no such thing as ghosts."

Kier, being the most skilled fighter of the group, took charge of the camp's defense, instructing the others to collect wood and start a fire. He then went on to scout the surrounding area to ensure their safety.

As the night grew darker, the group gathered around the fire to share stories and eat their meal. Suddenly, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching their campsite. Kier immediately took action, drawing his sword and moving toward the sound.

Slowly, Kier kept walking toward the sound of footsteps, his friends following closely behind, he emerged from the bushes to find themselves surrounded by a group of hunters, holding spears and wearing animal skins.

Kier brandished his sword, ready to defend himself and his friends, but the hunters were quick to counterattack. One of them lunged forward with his spear, but Kier deftly parried the blow, using his sword to knock the spear aside.

Meanwhile, Dev, Boosfer, YelloWool, and Bubbo circled around, each taking on a different hunter. Dev used his agility to dodge attacks and deliver quick strikes with his dagger. Boosfer's brute strength allowed him to overpower his opponent, using his fists to deliver crushing blows. YelloWool used his bow to attack from a distance, while Bubbo used his staff to block and parry incoming attacks.

The fight was intense, with the sound of clashing weapons and grunts of effort filling the air. But despite their best efforts, the group was outnumbered, and they soon found themselves on the defensive.

In the chaos of the fight, Kier suddenly disappeared, and the hunters took advantage of the confusion, using their superior numbers to force the group to retreat. As they ran, the friends called out for Kier, but there was no answer, and the hunters disappeared into the forest, taking Kier with them.

They sat in silence, their thoughts returning to Kier's disappearance.

Finally, Dev spoke up, "We can't just sit here. We have to find Kier."

Boosfer nodded, "Agreed. We're not leaving this forest without him."

YelloWool added, "But we have to be careful. We don't know what we're dealing with."

Bubbo stood up, "Then let's get moving. Kier needs us, and we're not going to let him down."

They searched the surrounding area and called out his name, but Kier was nowhere to be found. They eventually concluded that the hunters might have taken him, although they were not sure why.

The group decided to continue their adventure, hoping to find some clue as to where Kier had gone. Their journey was now more dangerous and difficult without Kier, but they were determined to find him no matter what.

"He's gone." - A Color Crew FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now