Dumb Fucking Cake

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When was he going to ask me to be his girlfriend?

The thought had crossed my mind more often than once since our date. Alex and I had been seeing each other for a few months now, but the mention of us being together had never come up. I knew he had a past, and with every moment that passed it made me more worried about what this was going to turn out to be and the type of person he really was.

Alex had left his wallet at my apartment last night and had commuted to work before I even woke up this morning. He'd asked if it was okay if I brought it round to his work before lunch, so that we could eat together on his lunch break. It made my heart flutter to know he'd want to see me. It seemed he always wanted to see me, and spend time with me, but didn't want to make it official in any way. I hated it.

Soon, I was pacing down the sidewalk with my heart beating in my ears. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous, but it felt intuitive. It may also just be embarrassing that I was walking into a sex shop. I stood outside the door, craning my head up to peer at the "Adult World" sign. I guess this was the right place. I pushed open the door, which sounded with a small ring from the bell. I walked inside hesitantly, looking left and right for Alex.

It wasn't until I got to the front counter did I see him, and my heart twisted with an all-too-familiar feeling. He was bent over a girl's shoulder, showing her how to order the magazines on the shelf. They were laughing about something, and it made my stomach flip. I wasn't sure how to let them know I was here, but I almost didn't want to disturb them. Seeing Alex so close to another girl made me want to curl up into a ball and cry. Maybe I was being overdramatic, but maybe it also explained why he didn't want to make our relationship official.

Eventually I opted to clear my throat; the laughing subsided and two pairs of eyes stared back at me. Alex moved away from the girl, and his face lit up into a huge smile. He walked towards me, and soon his arms wrapped themselves around my back and he pulled me into his chest. I savoured the feeling of my cheek pressed against him for a moment before I was feeling anxious again about what I just saw. I knew he could sense my discomfort, because when he pulled me away he kept me at shoulder-length away from him.

His lips curled downwards into a small frown, "What's up? You seem upset?"

"Nono- I'm fine," I answered quickly, taking his wallet from my front jean pocket and handing it to him, "I just have to go, sorry, I had something on I forgot about."

I wasn't sure why I was pushing him away with rejection, but it seemed to affect him because his frown didn't falter.

"Oh," he answered shortly, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. His shirt lifted slightly, but I didn't allow myself to get distracted that easily.

"Yeah," I nodded, looking around awkwardly and wondering when I could go. It's not like I wanted to, but suddenly it felt like you could cut the tension in here with a knife.

"This is Amy, by the way," Alex moved to the side to reveal a petite woman standing behind him, offering up a wave as she smiled at me. I immediately thought of how much prettier than me she was, and I wondered why Alex hadn't gotten with her.

"Hey! I've heard so much about you," Amy's voice was sweet and high and it only made my heart twist tighter. I hated myself for the way I was jealous of her already.

"Hey," I waved back, as Alex placed an arm around my shoulders.

"She helped me pick out your sex toy," I almost choked hearing Alex say it so casually. Amy didn't seem to mind, letting out a laugh and playfully slapping him on the chest. I grit my teeth at the affectionate contact.

"Alex, you can't say shit like that," she laughed, shaking her head, "this bozo needed help picking a place to take you on a date too, he's obviously well versed in dating life."

Boy Next Door - Evan Peters (Alex from Adult World)Where stories live. Discover now