Chapter One

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Pic of Logan to the side (Chris Pine)

Logan's POV
I wake up to the sound of banging on my front door. I groan and roll over, stuffing my face into my pillow, hoping that whatever idiot is banging on my door will just go away.

They don't. Instead, five minutes later, the banging has actually gotten worse. I groan again before flipping onto my back and looking at my clock. I could just see the glow of the time from my digital clock. It reads 4:56 am.

"Oh, really?" I groaned "What the fuck."

I got out of my bed and stumbled towards my front door. I blindly reach for a light switch. I managed to turn on my entrance way light and throw the front door open.

"What?!" I yell in the person's face.

"Hey. Remember me?" A voice asks. I look up and see a vaguely recognizable brunette standing in front of me, holding two... car seats?

"Uh.. yeah. Sorta. Well, I recognize you..." I stumble over my words.

"Ok good enough for me." She tells me, narrowing her eyes at me.

"So... what's up, Kandy?" I ask. I'm trying to seem confident but A) I haven't seen her in a long while B) It's 5:00 in the morning and C) I'm not positive that Kandy is her name.

"Close. It's Kassidy. Kassidy Stacy?" She seems to be waiting for me to show recognition but that doesn't happen, so she sighs and continues.

"So ten months ago, you and I hooked up and you ruined my life completely." Oh now I remember her.

"Wait what?" I say as I register the last part of her sentence. "How did I ruin your life?"

She sends me a cold smile before saying "Glad you asked. See, the next morning when I woke up, you were gone. Which I was fine with. Except that a week later I started to feel shitty. I went to the doctor and was told I was pregnant."

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Are you...are they...why-" I can't stop babbling and I might have started hyperventilating. I have a child? Or- oh god.

"I can see from your face that you're totally freaking out. That's pretty funny since I'm the one who had to carry your babies for nine months."

I can't help but let out a relieved sigh. "Ok good, you had the babies. I'm really happy to hear that and I really want to be invol- wait. Babies? Plural?"

She lets out a cold laugh. "Yeah. That's the worst part. I had to deal with twins. Twins Logan! And let me tell you, they are little shits. I am so sick of dealing with these little brats!"

I can't speak. I'm shocked. How can she talk about our kids like that?!

Once I get my voice back, I manage to sputter out "What are you saying here?"

"What I'm saying, you jackass, is that they've been out of me for twelve days, and I hate them!" My legs nearly give out from underneath me, I'm so shocked.

"What? How can you say that about your own children?" I yell.

"Because they are horrible little things. Here. Take them!" She says, thrusting the two car seats towards me.

I quickly take hold of both handles before she drops them. She gives me the coldest smile I've ever seen and with a quick "Good luck, Dumbass." she whirls around and stomps away.

I am frozen in shock for a moment, but my reverie is broken when I hear crying. Looking down at the carriers, I can't help but smile.

Lying in the carriers are two little babies. The crying one has a pink blanket with "Mila" stitched onto it. In the other carrier, the other baby continues to sleep, tucked into his blue blanket with "Noah" stitched onto it.

As I gently rock Mila, I can't help but think that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Glancing at the clock and noting that it is now 5:00 am, I pick up my phone and dial quickly. Holding it to my ear using my shoulder, I listen to it ring.

"Hey Mom, it's Logan. Sorry for calling so early, I need your help. The craziest thing just happened..."

Hi! Thanks for taking a chance on "The Millionaire's Twins". Though it's not my first story, it will be the first that I am taking seriously. I have no idea what my updating schedule is going to be, but I'll try to update as much as I can.

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