9.{final chapter}

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Okay so.. last night.. it was magical.. i mean thom was so sweet and just so i don't know i can't discribe it... thomas is just thomas....

*back to yesterday*  *Smut*

'Ehehe it's fine.. amore.. just relax..'

The blond boy says to me with his beautiful smile and ohh don't get me started on those cute eyes...ughhh..

'thomas.. are you uhm sure?.. about this?..'

'Yes ofcourse i am sure.. about this.. why?..'

'i don't know.. i tought you had done this before.. i mean not that y-'


And he puts a hand on my lips.. to end the conversation..



'Why did you did that for?!'

'I was just kidding ahaha sorry sorryyy..'



'Just kiss me..'

'What did you just say amore??..'

The blonde boy says to me with a very big smirk on his face..

'I said kiss me.....'

At this point  he came closer to me and he leanded in and then the most amazing feeling hitted me.. his lips where so soft.. and they fitted percectly on mine.. and then i felt his  hands on my hips.... while going upto and his hands lifted up my sweater.. that i was wearing cause it was very coldd today..

'Your so beautiful amore..'

The boy says to me while taking of my black bra that i putted on for him because he likes it when i am wearing black andd he was watching me today while I was changing in the bathroom today...

'Thanks thommy..'

I say while i am prettyy much blushing

'Do you want me to contiue?..'

'Yeah.. it's fine..'


Okay now i think you what's going to happend...

I was looking into his eyes while he was taking of my pant very slowly and i could tell that he wanted it to.. so here is what i did..

'Need help?..'

'With wha-ohh ehh..'

'Oh come on thommy.. i know you want it to..'

Saying while i was toching his pants..with one hand..

'd-don't do th-that..'




Okay so after that night and after some days when we got back to italy i was starting to feel sick and i my period was late.. so that could only mean one thing... i was pregnant...

*to be contiued*



Okay sooo i know this the last chapter but! Since this story got so many reads i wanted to make a part 2? Maybe even tough it is a short story i tought why nott right? Just let me know!!😘😘💋


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