Finding Baby Koko

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It has been 4 weeks, when Lela meets the Zarude. She gets along with Dada, they would talk. And Lela have her very own garden of berries and and Revival Herbs. The berries she plants are Cheri Berry's, Pecha Berry's, Oran Berry's and Rawst Berry's and berries to  make for food. And she got Revival Herbs seeds when she was in Unova.

So right know
In the forest Jungle, as it was raining. And Flying type pokemon are flying above. Zarude's were swinging through out the the trees. A small group of different pokemon were picking berries
Sing now, Zarude
We are the strongest
We have no fear
The Dugtrio went under ground and the rest of the pokemon saw the Zarude up in the trees. And they dropped their berries and ran away in fear. As the Zarude dropped on the ground and hiss at the small pokemon.
We are the voice of the jungle
Lift up your voices
We are the voice of the jungle
A Zarude hand picks up a Berry from the ground and eats it.
Lift up your voices
The ground catches the water
The water nurtures the trees
As the Zarude scares the other pokemon making them run away in fear.
The sun shines down  the forest
The trees become the jungle
Woo, can you hear it
Zarude stomps their feet on the ground
Footsteps upon footsteps
Woo, can you hear it
Voices upon voices
Zarude beats on their chest, like a monkey.
We are the voice of the jungle
A Zarude took a handful of berries and eats them. And other Zarude throws berries at each other.
We are the voice of the jungle
Lift up your voices
We are the voice of the jungle
As Zarude so off their strength to the other pokemon, while other Zarude claps their hands and bangs their chest.
Lift up your voices
Under the Heart Tree
And Dada growls out loud, at the small pokemon that were watching them in fear. They all shrieked in panic, and they all ran away.
"Huh? Hmm." Dada hmms out, as he looks up, were flying pokemon are flying away, and he sniffs the air.
And the rest of the tribe began swing and running away. "Hmm." Dada hmms again, as he thinks about Lela.
Alpha saw his friend was not following. "Hey, let's go." Alpha told Dada. "Right." Dada said, as he was about to follow his friend. But he stopped as he saw small orbs of pinks lights
"Hmm. Hmm." Dada muttered out, as he saw them. And then he swings off, with vines that came out of his wrist.

With Lela, she was off on a walk with Umbreon. As the same small orbs of pinks lights appear. "Huh." Lela said, as Umbreon looks at them with a crooked head. "Ummbree." Umbreon calls out.
"Let's go and see what it is." Lela said, as she ran wear the pink lights appear.
Umbreon followed close behind her trainer. As she and Umbreon ran, they saw Dada, landed. "Dada." Lela called out, Dada turned to see Lela and Umbreon. "Lela, Umbreon it's nice to see you." Dada said, Lela smiles at him before saying. "Ummm." Umbreon yips out smiling.
"It is and did you see some Small pink Orbs." Lela said to see if he saw them to. "You saw them to." Dada said, with a surprise look on his face.
Lela was about to talk, then more pick orbs appeared. Lela, Dada and Umbreon looks at the direction the orbs are headed. So they all ran, wear they are headed. "Whaaaaaa." They heard, a cry in a distance. Lela had a shock look on her face. "A baby, that's a baby cry." Lela said in shock.
As they made it to a lake with a waterfall. A baby, in yellow pajamas, was in a metal basket, while still crying
"Huh." Dada said, as he saw the human baby. "Ummmbre." Umbreon yips out, in shock. "Oh, what are you doing here little one. " Lela said as she kneels down to look at the baby.
Dada slowly walks up to the baby on all fours. The baby stops crying, when he saw the three. Dada sniffs the baby, the baby then starts giggling. When he was tickled by Dada sniffling. The baby reached out a hand and tumbling out of the metal basket. That startled Dada, as the baby was on land, and tried to stand. "Hahaha." Lela laughs quietly, at Dada. Umbreon put a paw at her face, sniggering quickly to.
Dada cocks his head curiously, as the baby tumbles on his back.
Dada turns away, and walked on all fours, back to the forest.
"Dada wear are you going." Lela yells at Dada. "Umbreon." Umbreon yells out, Lela then looks back at the baby. To see it gone. Lela had a panic look on her faces. "Were is the baby." She said in  panic, as she looks around.
But then she heard Dada let's out a shriek.
She looks back at him, to see the baby, was on his back. And grabs aloud of dada fury ears. As Dada tries to pull the baby off, but when he falls. The baby went flying in the air.
"Oh, my God." Lela said, as she and Dada runs after the baby. But they both were not looking were they were going.
Dada and Lela both slammed into a tree. And Dada fell onto Lela.
Lela let's out a groan, and Dada manages to caught the baby.
And the baby slides down Dada arm and his butt came on his nose.
The baby had a full dipper, and with its stench. Dada back hit the ground again, and with Lela under heath him.
And the baby landed on Dada stomach, the baby saw Lela tail, from Dada side. So he grabs and tugs on it. "Hrrrr, you ok Dada." Lela groans out. Dada let's out a groan and mutters out. "Yay."
"Umbreon, Ummm, Ummm." Umbreon laughs out, as she shakes her head, at both Lela and Dada.
Lela and Dada both gave a annoyed glare. The baby saw the shiny Umbreon, he grabs her and started giving her a tite hug, even pulling on her ears. Umbreon let out a startled yip, and struggled. But the baby was way to strong to let go.
"Haha." Lela laughs. "Ha, ha ha ha. That's is pay back." Dada said while laughing.

Dada was swing with one hand, as he cradles the baby with the other arm

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Dada was swing with one hand, as he cradles the baby with the other arm. And with Lela and Umbreon holding onto his back. As he landed towards a huge tree, with water coming out of it. Like a waterfall. "Wow." Lela said in awe, and Umbreon looks at it with huge eyes.
"This is my home and home to all Zarude. The Heart Tree." Dada told them. As the baby is fast asleep with a his hand hanging from his furr and snoring softly.
As they made it to the top of the tree, but Umbreon, she has to stay behind.
In the tree two Zarude are have a fight.
And the other Zarude are watching and cheering on the fight. But they all stop and sniffed, they can smell the baby's dirty dipper.
(I am going to skip to Alpha.)
"I trusted you. You traitor." Alpha said,  to Dada as he walks away. Lela looks at Alpha. She could see that they are like brothers. And Alpha feels betrayed by this. Lela looks at Alpha with a pity look, before getting on Dada back, and hold on as they swing away.
Dada went down to get Umbreon, as they swing by. "Where will I live at." Dada said, as he looks down at the baby. Lela then looks at Dada and said, "with me and Umbreon."

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