plans & auditions

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I was resting my head against Donalds shoulder tracing random shapes on his chest, his arms were wrapped around my waist. I was now wearing one of his shirts as we laid on his bed in a comfortable silence

"Donny" i whispered


"I should head back to my dorm, Its getting late"

"Why don't you just stay here"

"Cause i don't want to face a ton of questions from fat Amy tomorrow."

"5 minutes" he said while hugging me tighter in his arms.

"Okay" i replied while burring my head in the crook of his neck pressing a light kiss to his skin. In the end i ended up falling asleep next to my boyfriend with a smile plastered on my face, i missed him.

I woke up the next morning to the sun peaking its way through the curtains, i tried to move only to be stopped Donalds tight grip on my body. I smiled at him, he's really cute when he's sleeping.

"Donny... don...Donny" i shook his shoulder and his eyes tightened before he opened them to look at me. He released his death grip of me and rubbed his eyes as he sat against the headboard.

"Morning baby bubble"


"I can't believe i fell asleep" i said

"i can i tired you out a lot"

I laughed and gently slapped his chest, i tore the covers from my body and pulled on my jeans that where on his bedroom floor. I slipped them on before leaning down to kiss my boyfriend. He pulled me down to sit on his lap as he pulled away.

"you should probably go back to your dorm and get ready for auditions" he stated while pressing a kiss against my bare shoulder.

"yeah i should, Bumper would kill me if i mess up the plan"

"Yes he would and i would prefer for my girlfriend to stay alive, so you better go and get yourself prepared"

"okay, after i eat though"

Hours had passed and i was running the plan through my head. Bumper came up with it and it was amazing. He's told me all about Aubrey's rules and her hatred towards the trebles, which is why no one knows Bumpers my brother and Donalds my boyfriend. Chloe and Aubrey already think I'm auditioning for the bellas so when i'm finished with my audition the trebles will make it known i'm on their team already. I don't need to audition Bumper would let me in the group regardless, but there is no fun in that.

A few hours later i stood in the wings watching everyone singing since u been gone by Kelly Clarkson. I was surprised to see fat Amy there but she was amazing, i also saw Benji perform and he's actually good i will admit i was not expecting him to be able to sing. After Jesse performed it was my turn, i walked out onto the stage and Aubrey and Chloe immediately sat up straight exited to see i had shown up. I made eye contact with my brother and he nodded at me with smirk, i then looked over too Donald who winked at me . I took a deep breath and began to sing.

Aubrey's eyes lit up at the sound of my voice and Chloe sat with a smile on her face. I hit every note perfectly my confidence was incredibly high and i felt really good singing in front of Donald he loves to hear me sing and i know what will happen tonight. I sang the final lyric to the song and everyone started clapping. Time to crush the bellas mood.

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