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You know those dreams where you feel like you're falling to your death? Yea, that's what this feels like, except I'm 90 percent sure this isn't a dream.

I don't even know what happened. One minute I'm walking in the park, the next I'm falling from the sky, or what I think is the sky. It's gotten very dark since the last time I blinked.
The ground is coming closer, I feel it. In a panic I twist my body, close my eyes and brace for impact, but it never comes.I open my eyes to find I'm floating a foot above the ground. As my feet touch the ground I stop and try to regulate my breathing.




As the panic fades I take in my surroundings, it's a cozy little library, green velvet couches sitting around a matching ottoman table,and bookshelves that reach the ceilings and a large window surrounded by tall trees. It's beautiful, something out of a dream, but I don't belong here. Looking around for a door that leads out of here, but nothing. I tilt my head towards the ceiling where I fell from, but it's closed.

I'm stuck here.

I'm starting to panic, the reality setting in, this isn't some sick joke. I'm actually stuck in here. I'm getting dizzy, I stumble over to the couch and sit down. Fainting isn't going to help.I need to be alert. Being unconscious hasn't helped anyone.


It whispered so low I almost missed it, but that voice sounded so familiar. I ignore it,

You sleep your problems away any chance you get! The voice sneers. I can't ignore that. I quickly look to the source of the voice but I'm only met with my reflection in the window. I stare at myself for a minute. It can't be. I refuse to believe my own reflection is insulting me! My reflection tilts her head. What? Can't handle the truth?  I have so many questions. I open my mouth but the words get stuck. I ignore the insults. There's more important things I need to address.

How do I get back home? I ask

You don't

You're not funny. Just tell me how?

Do I look like I'm joking? You can't leave until you finish

Finish what? You and your cliffhangers aren't very helpful.


So now you want to shut up? I roll my eyes, Unbelievable. I haven't even been here a day and I'm already losing it. Talking to my reflection is a whole new low. I turn around in my seat and immediately notice a giant book on the table. Well that wasn't there before. The book opens and a beautiful castle emerges from the pages above the castle, letters float around and create the words, 

Hello Fixer! No time for introductions. Your first mission starts soon. The Devildom needs your help! Successfully complete fixing the devildom and you will be rewarded and sent back home. If you are ready, touch the castle.

I reread the words for what felt like the millionth time. It still doesn't make sense. The devildom? Fixer? I turn back to the window looking for my reflection but she's not there. Well that's not creepy at all. Turning back to the book I weigh my options...or lack of and against my better judgment I slowly reach out to touch the book.

As my hand makes contact with the lowest tower I expect a hologram but it's solid. I don't have much time to think about it as my vision gets blurry and I'm transported to what I assume is the devildom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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